Exhuming Arafat's stiff is just another tactic for demonizing Israel
As Gaza – purportedly part of the Palestinian totality – was embroiled in fiery conflict, its Ramallah twin engaged in surreal hijinks. Yasser Arafat’s mausoleum reverberated with the din of jackhammers as workmen toiled to pry open their deceased leader’s concrete- encased grave and exhume his remains.Read the rest, but for now, what's clear is that this is just more of a form of Trutherism by monsters who're obsessed with demonizing Israel for the sake of it.
Why? This is another feature of the multifaceted war against Israel. The aim here is to accuse Israel of having assassinated Arafat in 2004 with radioactive poison.
Hot on the heels of Arafat’s demise, conspiracy theories abounded wildly throughout the Arab realm. The only scenario serially discounted was that the 75-year-old Arafat died by natural causes.
The years haven’t mitigated the suspicions/fabrications.
Labels: anti-semitism, dhimmitude, islam, Israel, jihad, political corruption, terrorism