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Thursday, June 13, 2013 

Anjem Choudary wants a caliphate in Britain

The International Business Times reported that the most horrific Muslim hatemonger in Britain today hopes to establish a caliphate in the UK:
A Muslim majority will one day impose sharia law in Britain, the US and much of western Europe, according to radical cleric Anjem Choudary.

Muslims will dominate the West and impose a return to the harsh moral code of the 13th century Arabian caliphate, Choudary told the US network CBN News. The interview has just emerged on a rightwing website, which has published the interview for the first time in the UK.

The interview was recorded shortly after Choudary's Sharia4UK group was banned by Whitehall.

"Innevitably, I'm convinced, I'm 100% certain that the sharia will be implemented in America and in Britain one day," said the preacher, who had been linked to Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebolawe, the two suspects in the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich.
He also went on to preach against America:
Choudary told the US network's correspondent in London that Sharia4UK had given birth to Sharia4America, Sharia4Holland and Sharia4Belgium.

"We have the Sharia4America project, where we put down what we consider to be an alternative to liberal democracy, freedom and the kind of life people lead in America," he said.

"Ultimately, the Americans will be defeated. They're going to be defeated back home, they will be defeated militarily, and they're not going to get the resources.

"They will go from the recession into a complete downfall."
Sickening. They say the authorities are continuing to monitor him, but it's clear they have no interest in enforcing the law, or they would have arrested Choudary already for the violence he's caused and is still hell-bent on leading to.

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