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Thursday, June 06, 2013 

Many people turned out for Pamela Geller's rally against DOJ's latest plot to silence free speech

Pamela Geller held a rally in Tennessee to protest district attorney Bill Killian's efforts to restrict free speech against Islam, which he's doing in coordination with some of the worst Muslim activists in the USA. Geller says:
U.S. Attorney Bill Killian gave a power point presentation on hate crimes and hate speech. From beginning to end it was full of condescension, smears, charges that the crowd was racist, and thinly-veiled threats that truthful speech about Islam could be prosecuted. Never once did he address the fact that people aren't concerned about Muslims because of racism and xenophobia, but because of the reality of jihad terror and the uniform denial and obfuscation, and victimhood posturing, that follows from Muslim communities after every jihad attack. Killian even stooped so low as to claim a sharp rise in "religiously-motivated hate crimes," without ever informing the crowd that he was lumping in anti-Semitic hate crimes (which are at worldwide record levels, largely due to Islamic antisemitism) with anti-Muslim hate crimes. FBI special agent Kenneth Moore was little better. Both echoed the Islamic supremacist speaker's opening remarks, all about how the people of Tennessee had to learn to be welcoming of people who were different.

The crowd was having none of it, shouting "Boston!" "Free Speech!" and other responses after they would say something entirely ridiculous. A couple of people in the crowd got up and called out to the patriots to be quiet and let the speakers speak, and to be respectful, but the crowd was being just as respectful to Killian, Moore and Co. as the speakers were to them. It was good to see their condescending anti-freedom propaganda challenged. The speakers were only accepting questions written on cards, and people knew it was a horse and pony show. We are not going to go quietly into the night, or remain silent when we are lied to. This is just the beginning. We will not go away, we will not be silenced, and we will never stop fighting.
What Killian is doing isn't just dhimmitude. It's also insulting to the memory of the people who died on 9-11 and their relatives who've been working very hard to ensure their relatives will be remembered, ditto the reasons why they were attacked. The Tennessean's staff who covered the subject were no better, resorting only to defamatory tactics. BizPac Review was much better (also via Jihad Watch and Atlas Shrugs):
First Amendment loving, free speech supporting patriots turned out en masse in small town Manchester, Tenn. Tuesday night to protest the upcoming DOJ stance that Muslim bashing on social media may lead to federal civil rights charges.

Conservative activist Pamela Geller was among the 600-800 protesters who filled the conference room, according to Bill Hobbs who live tweeted from the event.

The American Muslim Advisory Council of Tennessee sponsored the event, called “Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society,” which featured the top two U.S. Department of Justice officials in the state, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, Bill Killian, and the special agent in charge of the state’s FBI office, Kenneth Moore.

The DOJ officials discussed the fact that not all American Muslims are terrorists and those who trash Muslims on social media may be violating civil rights. You can read more here from BizPac Review’s, “DOJ warns Muslim bashing on social media may be federal offense.”

Geller took to her blog “Atlas Shrugs” to counter the typical liberal media spin on what took place at the event.
And also to organize a protest against these most disgraceful dhimmis, who've done as much a disservice for victims of jihad and their families as for everybody else.

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