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Wednesday, August 07, 2013 

Rabbi Mordecai Elon humiliated religious Zionism

Elon was convicted of sexual abuse of minors, something that he may have first committed back in the 1990s:
Prominent national-religious figure Rabbi Mordechai Elon was convicted of indecent assault and indecent assault by force against a minor at the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court on Wednesday. Elon could potentially serve up to seven years in prison for his crimes.

The allegations surrounding Elon have created a storm in the national-religious world in which the rabbi was a leading light until accusations of sexual impropriety against him. [...]

On Monday night, an interview conducted with Ramat Gan Chief Rabbi Yaakov Ariel last year was published for the first time on the Kipa national-religious news website.

Ariel said that Elon had admitted to the charges against him in a meeting with the Takana Forum of which Ariel is a member.

The forum was established by leading figures of the national-religious community to combat sexual harassment and was the body that initially brought the allegations against Elon to light.
It's terrible that even in a community with people whom I know belonging to it, these kind of crimes can also take place. The difference is that, if they do, the religious Zionists are more likely to turn to the police and report it than in the Haredi society.

I recall author Naomi Ragen spoke about this case. I'm sure she'll have more to say, and if she does, I'll try to add it here. Elon did Judaism a grave disfavor, and he should serve time for his offenses.

Update: Emily Amrousi makes a couple good points about what lessons we can learn from this embarrassment. So does Haim Shine.

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