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Monday, April 25, 2016 

Norway's mass murderer wins the court's favoratism

Anders Breivik, the madman who drew some of his insanity from al Qaeda, has Norwegian courts on his side as he files grievances against prison conditions:
Norwegian right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik's human rights have been violated during his imprisonment for terrorism and mass murder, a court ruled Wednesday.

In a written decision, the Oslo district court said Breivik's prison conditions after he killed 77 people in 2011 attacks breached an article in the European Convention on Human Rights prohibiting inhuman and degrading treatment.

The ruling specifically cited Breivik's isolation in two different prisons since his arrest on July 22, 2011. It also said authorities hadn't given enough attention to his mental health when determining his conditions in prison.

The court dismissed Breivik's claim that the government had also violated his right to respect for private and family life. It ordered the government to pay Breivik's legal costs of 331,000 kroner — about $41,000.

[...] Breivik sued the government, saying his isolation from other prisoners, frequent strip searches and the fact that he was often handcuffed while moving between the three cells at his disposal violated his human rights. During a four-day hearing at the Skien prison where he is serving his sentence, he also complained about the quality of the prison food and about having to eat with plastic utensils.
He committed a horrific murder of children, and then expects more than just plastic forks and knives to eat with? And the courts are willing to demand even his legal bills be paid? Socialism at work in a country that gives new definition to insanity.

Here's more from the Daily Beast (via PJM):
Breivik’s private prison compound consists of three personal cells: “one for living, one for studying, and a third for physical exercise,” according to Agence France Presse.

The studying space is important for Breivik: in 2015 he enrolled in political science courses at the University of Oslo. A university representative will visit his cell to teach the classes, as Breivik is not allowed to access the Internet on his in-cell computer.

Yes, he has a personal computer in his cell. He also has a personal television and a Playstation 2, which he deemed insufficient, threatening to go on a hunger strike if it was not upgraded to a Playstation 3, AFP reported in 2014.
So despite the savagery he committed, he not only got a pathetic 21 years in the pen, he even gets luxuries like a video game player. Even scarier is that some locals are siding with him too:
Despite the devastating effects of Breivik’s crime, even some Norwegians agree that his prison conditions should improve.

“Our best weapon in fighting extremism is humanity,” Bjorn Ihler, a survivor of Breivik’s 2011 massacre tweeted on Wednesday. “The ruling in the Breivik case shows that we acknowledge the humanity of extremists too.”
What kind of a country is Norway, where monsters are considered "human"? Is it any wonder they're such a disaster, and lost control of Oslo to Islamofascists?

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