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Wednesday, November 08, 2017 

Insularity can't be justified

I found an article in the Forward written by the dean of Ono Academic College, who's justifying gender-segregated programs for Haredis because they supposedly shouldn't be encouraged to get used to mixed company classes:
Thousands of ultra-Orthodox women have been able to earn a degree and integrate into the Israeli workforce because the educational system met them where they are. This would not have been possible had they been told that academia was only accessible via mixed gender education. They simply would not have gone to university, as is the case for several generations of women from the ultra-Orthodox community.
It's stunning how she misses the points entirely. The reason they might not have gone to the university under a mixed gender class is because the "spiritual leaders" forbid them from doing so, and even the men. Furthermore, to cater to such absurdity sends the wrong message, suggesting we the wider public consider it perfectly fine that they segregate themselves from the rest of society instead of being part of it. Is that a good role model? No. Why, for men in particular, how will they get used to being in mixed company if they aren't encouraged to say, take special courses in gender studies and conversation, for instance?

Her failure to reserve any criticism for the socialist gurus is also telling. That's a notable weakness for many apologists of the Haredi lifestyle, and it's pathetic, as is the following:
I wish that academics could understand that individuals who have never before studied in a mixed gender setting may never be able to do so. As such, it is unkind to force such students to study in a set framework that clashes with their religious ideals and personal sensitivities because it is believed to be “for their own good.” This is what amounts to exclusion from higher education, and from society at large. Multiculturalism dictates only that all backgrounds be honored -it does not require that we all study together. Doing so is a personal choice and must be respected as such.
Multiculturalism happens to be what led to the Islamic disaster not only in Europe, but here too. And the woman is clearly too dumb to realize that. Furthermore, whether the individuals in question can manage a mixed gender setting or not, this epically fails to address the fact that the isolationism they were brought up in all but crippled them. And she won't comment on that? Then I don't see why she's wasting her time when she could've stressed why the socialist Haredi gurus who're robbing tax money from the public have to stop this crud.

I also found another article in the Forward giving more information on how the Haredi cultist gurus are discriminating against Haredi women and men alike:
There is arguably no need for Haredi-only colleges; Haredi women and men have always been able to freely receive college degrees from accredited universities – as religious Jews do all around the world. But Haredi leaders in Israel strongly discourage their community members from interactions with non-Haredi people for fear of secular influence. As Haredi Knesset member Moshe Gafni declared,“ a Haredi man should not be learning in universities at all. He will get ruined there.”

In the Haredi world, moreover, failure to comply with expected communal behaviors can result in stalled marriage prospects, public shaming, and even excommunication.
The college manager did not address this, or stress why this is extremely reprehensible, unproductive behavior coming from the Haredi community leaders. If she cannot or does not have the courage to speak out about why this is wrong, then a problem won't be solved. I'd say, based on this, she owes an apology to the many Haredis facing possible ostracization she's let down. I strongly recommend reading the article to see what's wrong with some of these gender-segregated programs, which could include male lecturers being allowed to address a female crowd, but female lecturers are not allowed to address a male crowd. Is that right? Absolutely not, and damages the ability for a man to get an understanding and insight to how or what women think.

It is not wrong for Haredis to interact with the opposite gender, and for leaders to dictate otherwise is wrong. Similarly, it's also wrong for college deans to refuse to address challenging issues and thus further a serious problem caused by selfish and entitled socialists running an insular community who're hurting their subjects with extreme drivel concepts.

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