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Sunday, September 16, 2018 

Ultra-Orthodox MKs - and Bezalel Smotrich - must stop their opposition to private conversions

They're trying to cause a ruckus over a court's recognition of a private conversion that wasn't done under the auspices of the state, in another disgusting example of their socialist beliefs that religion must be governed by state and not be a private matter:
MKs Moshe Gafni (United Torah Judaism) and Betzalel Smotrich (Bayit Yehudi) announced on Friday that they will once again promote a High Court bypass law that will prevent the state from recognizing conversions performed outside of the Chief Rabbinate.

The MKs intend to draft a bill at the start of the Knesset's winter session, an initiative that has already caused a crisis in the coalition.

The Jerusalem District Court ordered the Interior Ministry to recognize the Jewish status of a woman, Y., who converted in a private religious court (Beit Din). This is a precedent that may affect the status of thousands of Israelis who have undergone an Orthodox conversion process outside of the Chief Rabbinate in recent years.

In an interview with Yedioth Ahronoth, Y. expressed her frustration with the current conversion process.

"I was waiting for this for a long time. The Rabbinate is making a mistake in its approach toward hundreds of thousands of immigrants without a religion status who serve in the army, pay taxes, and are denied the most basic right of marrying their loved ones," Y. said.

Y. converted through "Conversion According to Halacha," a project established by senior liberal Zionist rabbis who maintain that the state system is too strict with the converts.
If their idea is to dictate that converts must adhere to a dress code, and aren't allowed to work in show business, for example, to say nothing of possibly adhering to the Haredi customs, that's where they're committing a huge wrong. Orthodox Judaists cannot maintain a monopoly on the faith or act as though only they know better in every way, and if they continue this atrocity, they have only themselves to blame for alienating many people, and causing a negative perception of Orthodox Judaism as a whole.

But, if it's such a big deal, then maybe this is where there's a valid argument to be found:
In fact, Y. is the first woman to be recognized as a Jew on the basis of that precedent. The court that officiated her conversion was headed by Rabbi Yehuda Gilad, a former MK in the Meimad faction of the Labor Party.
No kidding! Some of their supporters were Haredi too, and it could be said that, if their respect for Zionism is so dismal, they're not qualified. But then, given how socialist and potentially anti-Zionist the UTJ and Shas parties are, that's why I don't think their conversions mean squat either. Yes, seriously. I suppose the question is whether Gilad's improved his positions on Israel as a country over the years. If he did, then his conversion process can be considered valid and everyone should then be proud of him for wanting some new modern Ruths welcomed into the fold. If not, then maybe it'd be better if a different rabbi oversaw the steps. I myself think David Stav would be the best, if only because he's shown a lot of rationale that should serve as a role model for future rabbis.

All that aside, the Haredi parties and Smotrich should cut out their reprehensible nanny state tactics that only indicate they have no faith in their own ability to run a decent conversion process, and cut out the socialist leanings they happen to be advocating to boot. They're not qualified, so these self-appointed judges must back off.

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