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Sunday, September 09, 2018 

Antisemitic UK teacher let off the hook by government ethics board

Here's another example of the disastrous conduct of the British government (via Pamela Geller), and apparently because his anti-Israelism seems to strike a chord with their dementia:
A government ethics review panel in the United Kingdom said that a teacher who it had suspended for inveighing against Jews and Israel “is not anti-Semitic.”

The assertion came in the summary by the country’s Teaching Regulation Agency of a disciplinary review last month of the actions of Harpreet Singh, 48, who was head of mathematics at Sandye Place Academy in Bedfordshire, 80 kilometers (50 miles) north of London, the BBC reported Tuesday.

However, the misconduct panel banned him from teaching.

He had been suspended from the school in June 2017 and was later fired after concerns were raised by colleagues about his social media posts.

The misconduct panel, which banned Singh from teaching until at least 2021, found that he had made “offensive and racist” comments on Facebook including one which said: “Every sane human is anti-Semitic. Because you bastards have made Zionism synonymous with the mistreatment of Palestinians. Billions are anti-Semitic and proud of it.”

In another, he posted: “Of course we hate Jews. Israel is the most evil regime on the planet. Supported by Jews from within, and from around the world.”

But the panel said in its review that it “accepted that Mr. Singh is not anti-Semitic. It also accepted that he was not trying to impact upon or influence children or the public, as he did not realize his comments were public. His actions were impulsive and were made in response to something which offended him, and were said (in his opinion) as an attempt to defend the Palestinians.” Singh also wrote that “Israel should be wiped off the planet.”
Hostility to the official country of origin has long been a classic excuse to exonerate antisemites of any responsibility in European countries like Britain. But by that twisted logic, even anti-Dutch racists could be let off the hook simply because the name of the country is Holland/Netherlands rather than Dutchland.

And the screwball teacher has apparently only been disbarred from education for less than 3 years. What if the UK government even finds him a well-paying job elsewhere until he can return to the first profession he never deserved to work in for writing such repellent filth on an already awful social media site?

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