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Monday, September 03, 2018 

UNRWA doesn't belong in Jerusalem or anywhere else in Israel

And mayor Nir Barkat wants to see to it that the movement the US has now rightly defunded will be booted out of the city for all the right reasons:
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said on Monday that he would push to expel the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency from the capital, amid an Israeli and American drive to marginalize the body.

Barkat accused the UN’s Relief and Works Agency of failing those in its care and instead inciting terror activity. He said that he had instructed city officials to prepare a plan for replacing all of UNRWA’s functions with municipal services and that he would present the scheme to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

His comments came after, on Friday, the Trump administration announced it was cutting nearly $300 million in planned funding for UNRWA, and said that it would no longer fund the agency after decades of support. Instead, the US said, it would seek other channels by which to aid the Palestinians.

“Removing UNRWA will reduce the incitement and terror, will improve the services to residents, will increase the Israelization of the east of the city, and will contribute to the sovereignty and unity of Jerusalem,” Barkat said at a conference organized by the Hadashot TV news channel.

“UNRWA is a foreign and unnecessary entity that has failed utterly, and I intend to remove it from Jerusalem,” he said. “Every aspect of UNRWA is dysfunctional and failing.”

According to Barkat, UNRWA-run schools are rife with incitement against Israel, “the sanitation under their responsibility is deteriorating, their welfare services offer no hope to residents and the satisfaction with them is very low.”

Since 1965 UNRWA has been responsible for the residents of the Shuafat refugee camp in East Jerusalem, who today number some 30,000.

“The UNRWA approach to the residents as refugees blocks their development and is no longer relevant,” Barkat said, alluding to the agency’s broad, and much-criticized, definition of refugees, which it extends to the descendants of Palestinians who fled or were expelled during the 1948 War of Independence.

“It is time to set aside the attitude toward them as refugees and see them as residents and rehabilitate them,” he said. “We will close their schools and give pupils hope and Israeli matriculation in the city’s schools, we will put an end to incitement, and we will replace their failed welfare services with our plan.

“Anywhere the municipality is active the Arab population is more satisfied and less violent.”
It would do Jerusalem and Israel a lot of good to have less of the UN itself present. Practically the entire outfit should be expelled from the country, because of their support for evil. They don't deserve to get anybody's tax credits.

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