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Thursday, September 06, 2018 

Haredi thugs harass a Jerusalem restaurant for opening on Shabbat

The Haredi socialists and their disgusting overlords incited against a restaurant for opening on Shabbat, in a most atrocious lack of manners:
One of the only restaurants in Jerusalem’s city center which is open on the Jewish Sabbath is coming under increasing pressure from a mob of ultra-Orthodox protesters to close on Friday nights and Saturdays.

The nonkosher bar-restaurant Barood has been operating for the last 24 years in the Feingold Courtyard compound in the Nahalat Shiva neighborhood, just off the city’s main Jaffa Road, and is open on Shabbat.

[...] In recent weeks, Channel 10 reported Tuesday, hundreds of extremist ultra-Orthodox men have been gathering near the entrance to the restaurant every Shabbat and harassing its owners and clients.

“Young and old people, aged 3 to 90, stand here at the entrance to the courtyard, scream ‘shabbes’ [Shabbat in Yiddish] and ‘shikse’ [a disparaging term for a non-Jewish woman or girl] and curse us,” Daniella Lerer, owner of Barood, told Channel 10.

In footage aired by the TV station from one of the protests, a police car can be seen next to the demonstrators, doing nothing to stop the harassment.

“I saw a police vehicle following them, but it’s as if they’re protecting them, not me,” Lerer said.

The report added that when she tried to approach the protesters and talk with them, they cursed her and police intervened. [...]

The ultra-Orthodox protesters also regularly try to block the streets and harass customers and staff of a number of bars and restaurants on the other side of Jaffa Road, in the area of Heleni Hamalka Street, on Shabbat, The Times of Israel was told. Here, too, customers have complained that the police do not intervene.
So only when that occurred were the police willing to put a stop to it? I'm sorry, but no matter what one thinks of operating on Shabbat, this is simply sick and the wrong way to go. If the Haredis don't want to eat at the restaurant, they don't have to, and they know it. Their socialist bully tactics are everything that's wrong with their lifestyle today.

The police are going to have to start taking responsibility by keeping the hoodlums at bay, making clear that they may not go near the restaurants or harass customers. If necessary, the managers should go to court as well.

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