Stabbing attack foiled at Hebron's Patriarch's Tomb
On Sunday morning, Border Police officers apparently thwarted a stabbing attack at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hevron.This was a very lucky situation, that nobody got hurt.
The incident took place when a resident of Hevron in his twenties tried to enter the Cave of the Patriarchs with a knife. The suspect apparently tried to blend in with a group of tourists who arrived at one of the inspection posts manned by Border Police.
The fighters observed the behavior of the suspect, who seemed to them unrelated to the group, and called him aside for a more thorough inspection.
When their suspicions grew stronger, the soldiers aimed their weapons, at which point the suspect pulled out a knife hidden in his clothes, threw it to the floor and put his hands up in the air.
An initial investigation revealed that the suspect did indeed come to carry out a stabbing attack. The suspect was arrested and transferred for questioning by security officials.
"Because of the vigilance of the fighters, a stabbing attack was apparently prevented. The suspect tried to enter the cave by pretending to be a tourist, and the experience and professionalism of the fighters led to his apprehension and the thwarting of his intentions," Border Police said.
Labels: anti-semitism, islam, Israel, jihad, military, terrorism, war on terror
The pro-Muslim mainstream-news-media NEVER MENTIONS
that Islam’s most sacred writings – the Koran
and Hadiths – are filled with hatred against
Christians and Jews.
For more information about this, read these:
Why Muslims Hate Jews:
Posted by
Mr. Cohen |
2/03/2019 11:25:00 AM
The Koran teaches that Jews are the biggest enemies of Muslims.
The Koran’s 5th chapter [al-ma’idah = the table],
verse 82 says:
“You will find that the people most
hostile towards the believers [Muslims]
are the Jews and the polytheists...”
This quick and accurate and relevant quote
from The Koran is NEVER MENTIONED
in the Israel-bashing mainstream-news-media
and it never will be, because
it sends the wrong message:
It tells the truth about Islam and Muslims!
If you want the truth about Israel
and the Middle East, then do not waste
your time with the FAKE NEWS
of The New York Times and the
Israel-bashing mainstream-news-media.
Instead, visit these web sites:
Who are the Palestinians?
Posted by
Mr. Cohen |
2/03/2019 11:29:00 AM