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Monday, March 11, 2019 

Israel's attorney-general agrees to delay releasing investigation material against prime minister

It looks like some sense has been found after Israel's attorney-general, Avichai Mandelblit, initially announced he was going to indict Benjamin Netanyahu over trumped up accusations that are very petty when looked at more closely:
Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit announced Monday that he agreed to the request by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s advocates, and will only release investigation materials regarding the PM's ordeals after the April 9 elections.

The message was delivered to all the relevant parties in cases 1000, 2000 and 4000, that involed the prime minister. The advocates were requested to prepare accordingly regarding dates for a hearing, which are expected to take place no later than July 10th. Netanyahu's hearing will be conducted by Mandelblit while the others involved will face the Tel Aviv district attorney.

The investigations material will be made available to the attorneys at the Tel Aviv DA’s office beginning on the 10th of April, the day following the elections.

"After weighing their positions, and taking into account the overall circumstances of the case, the attorney general decided to grant the request of the prime minister's representatives to delay the release of the investigation materials in the cases related to the prime minister until after the election date," Mandelblit’s office said.

The prime minister’s attorneys sought to delay the release of the materials in light of their claim that the evidence will find its way into the media and will be published during the election season. The Attorney General decided that in the circumstances of the case, and bearing in mind that the purpose of the release of the investigation materials is to enable the defendants to prepare for a hearing, and in view of the proximity to the date of the elections, to accede to the request.
I think Mandelblit would do far better to just cancel any indictment and recognize that these are what they are: exaggerated, distorted charges that could easily be found phony and petty. For now, he's acted wisely, recognizing that the media would only seek to sensationalize the petty issues and blow them all out of proportion for the sake of villifying the prime minister simply because he's rightist and they're leftist.

For now, I figure this could be considered a success for Netanyahu and his legal representatives, to not have the state attorney cave to the left's petty desires to have material they could use only for political purposes with no altruism involved. Some common sense prevailed.

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Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

“There is yet a third strain of the
current virus of anti-Semitism, this
one even more difficult to diagnose.

Its danger lies in its subtlety,
its pervasiveness, and its acceptability
at all levels of our society.

This is a phenomenon familiar to
all of us, yet difficult to articulate
and expose: the singling out of Jewish
institutions and especially Israel for
special scrutiny, and the application of
a double-standard to Jewish things and persons.

This phenomenon, which currently has
no accepted name, assumes a variety
of forms, but its most obvious
manifestation is the special and
often gloating attention paid by
the media, [and] by intellectuals,
and by the government to any
deviation by Israel, no matter
how trivial, from the highest
norms of humans rights, civility,
and sacrifice.

Though Israel may be deserving of
criticism, what is missing is the
comparable criticism of equal
or greater violations by other
countries and other groups.

This constant, often legitimate
criticism of Israel for every one
of it deviations, when coupled
with the absence of legitimate
criticism of others, creates
the impression currently prevalent
on university campuses and in
the press that Israel is among
the worst rights violators in the world."

SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz
(chapter 4, page 119) published year 1991 by
Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 * ISBN: 0316181374

Leon Kushner said:

“Israel is not perfect. No country is.

But attacking the only Jewish state
and ignoring the rest of the world’s
bad players is anti-Semitic, plain and simple.”

It’s Hard to Raise Jewish Children in an Anti-Israel World
by Leon Kushner, 2018 July 25


“Pornographic files are commonly found
on the computers captured when terrorists
are arrested or killed—including the
computers captured when terrorists are
arrested or killed—including computers
found in the Bin Laden compound.

Nor are animals safe: a sniper rifle
sight using thermal imagery captured
two Taliban fighters satisfying
themselves with a donkey.”

SOURCE: Al Qaeda, the Islamic
State, and the Global Jihadist Movement:
What Everyone Needs to Know

(chapter 3, page 68) by Daniel Byman,
Oxford University Press, year 2015,
ISBN: 019021726X (paperback) ISBN: 9780190217266
(paperback) ISBN: 0190217251 ISBN: 9780190217


Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre Aftermath:



Who are the Palestinians?



Ancient Roman historians identified
JEWS as the inhabitants of Land of Israel,
and located the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem





Who are the Palestinians?




Winston Churchill said this in 1937 CE:

“[Winston] Churchill did not accept that the Jews
were a foreign race [to the Holy Land]. He said it was
the Arabs who had been the outsiders, the conquerors.”

SOURCE: Churchill and the Jews
(chapter 10, page 115) by Martin Gilbert, year 2007 CE

Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister
from 1940 to 1945 CE and from 1951 to 1955 CE.


According to the Wikipedia internet encyclopedia,
these lands were conquered by the Rashidun Caliphs,
from year 632 to year 661 of the Common Era
(from west to East): Libya, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon,
Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Eastern Turkey, and Iran.

Therefore, Winston Churchill was correct when
he said that the Muslims were the outsiders
and conquerors, with respect to the land of Israel.


Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

“Palestinians have learned the political
value of invoking human rights rhetoric.

Indeed, Former U.S. State Department
official Alan Keyes has argued that by
changing the terms of the Mideast debate
from a political issue between Israel
and the Arab states into a human rights
complaint by occupied Palestinians,
the PLO has won an undeserved political
and diplomatic advantage.

Palestinian political organizations now
present themselves as human rights
organizations, and the media fall for it.”

SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz
(chapter 7, page 230) published in year 1991
by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374

Harvard Law Professor Alan M. Dershowitz said:

The Jews had earned their right to a homeland.

They had settled and worked mostly barren areas
of the British mandate of Palestine, which they
had bought – with the help of contributions from
our blue-and-white Jewish National Fund boxes –
largely from absentee landlords.

They built hospitals, schools, and kibbutzim,
and established the infrastructure of a state.

They quite literally turned swampland
into orchards and made the desert bloom.

More important, because of the actions of the
entire world towards Jews – their second-class
status and their barriers to their immigration
– it had become clear that the Jews needed a state.

They were prepared to compromise their biblical
and historic claims to accept a fraction of
Palestine as theirs. But after the United Nations’
1947 decision to dissolve the British mandate
and partition Palestine into two states,
one for Jews and one for Arabs, the Arabs
refused to agree to Jewish sovereignty
over an inch of Palestine, even over
land on which no Arab lived.

Only three years after the close of
the Holocaust, Arab leaders, many of
whom supported Hitler’s genocide,
were calling for a war of extermination
against the Jews – a “momentous massacre
which will be spoken of like the
Mongolian massacres and the Crusades.”

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who had
spent the war years in Berlin with Hitler,
expressed “greatest joy and deepest
gratification” for the Nazi accomplishments
and declared a “holy war” whose goal
was to “Murder the Jews! Murder them all!”

SOURCE: Chutzpah by Alan M. Dershowitz
(chapter 7, page 213) published in year 1991
by Little Brown & Co ISBN: 9780316181372 ISBN: 0316181374


Mr. Patrick Condell said:

“It is often said, because it is true,
that if the Arabs laid down their weapons,
there would be peace; [but] if the Jews
laid down their weapons, they would be
massacred, because the Arabs
(that’s the Muslims Arabs for all you
hair-splitters out there) don’t want peace,
they want the Jews DEAD.”

SOURCE: Useful Idiots for Palestine
a YouTube video by Mr. Pat Condell, 2011 November 4

complete transcript of this YouTube video:

Mr. Pat Condell is an atheist, who
was born in Ireland around 1950 CE,
and raised in England as a Roman Catholic,
and educated in Church of England schools.
He has no Jewish ancestors and no religious
beliefs that might cause him to favor Jews.

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  • I'm Avi Green
  • From Jerusalem, Israel
  • I was born in Pennsylvania in 1974, and moved to Israel in 1983. I also enjoyed reading a lot of comics when I was young, the first being Fantastic Four. I maintain a strong belief in the public's right to knowledge and accuracy in facts. I like to think of myself as a conservative-style version of Clark Kent. I don't expect to be perfect at the job, but I do my best.
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