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Saturday, April 13, 2019 

Jewish-Canadian mayor goes too far criticizing bill barring religious symbols from public workers

The Jewish mayor of a Montreal suburb has gone much too far in his opposition to bill preventing public servants from wearing religious symbols:
The Jewish mayor of a Canadian town compared a proposed bill that would bar religious symbols on some public workers to “ethnic cleansing.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau asked William Steinberg, mayor since 2005 of the affluent town of Hampstead in Montreal’s west end, to apologize for the remark.

“We shouldn’t use words like that,” Trudeau, who opposes the bill, told reporters in Ottawa last Friday. “We don’t need to go to extremes.”

Steinberg instead defended using the term, saying he meant “ethnic cleansing” only in a “non-violent” sense.

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, B’nai Brith and human rights groups have denounced the proposed law as discriminatory and contrary to Canadian human rights charters, but polls consistently show most Quebecers supporting it by a healthy majority.

Critics say the real targets of the law are women in hijabs, but supporters say the law is in line with Quebec’s long-standing goal of making the state religiously neutral and more secular. It will bar public school teachers, judges, police officers and others from wearing kippahs, turbans, or hijabs at work. Quebec premier Francois Legault, head of the right-leaning Coalition Avenir Québec government behind Bill 21, wants to pass it before the legislature goes on holiday in June.

Steinberg’s town, with a population of about 8,000, is more than 70 per cent Jewish and less than 2 per cent Muslim. To avoid stirring more controversy, he said he would not attend an April 14 rally in the west-end municipality of Cote St. Luc protesting the bill.
Bills like these don't prevent one from wearing them off-duty, and it's not the same as physical murder, one more reason I believe the mayor went too far. If the bill is meant to put a stop to Islam's influence, then I do wonder - what is the man's political standing? Left-wing? It's sadly possible, and worst, he's made himself an example of somebody who doesn't have the courage to join the efforts to stop the influence of Islam and sharia, the biggest proponent of anti-semitism today. Does he even realize he's giving Jews and Judaists a bad name by undermining the fight against Islamofascism? There's doubtless tons of municipalities in the USA who don't permit public employees to wear religious symbols on duty, which makes Steinberg's protest all the more embarrassingly bad and hypocritical.

Steinberg should apologize for being so petty and serving up a terrible example for the non-Jewish world of where somebody like himself stands on the issue.

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When did Jews live in the Holy Land?
by Mr. Cohen

From the year 132 to year 136 of the Common Era,
Jews who lived in the Holy Land revolted against
the rule of the Roman Empire.

This revolt was called the Bar Kokhba revolt,
named after the person who led that revolt.

At that time, the Roman Empire was still a
united empire that had not yet divided into the
Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire.



In the year 351 of the Common Era,
Jews who lived in the Holy Land revolted
against the rule of the Eastern Roman Empire:



From the year 602 to year 628 of the
Common Era, Jews who lived in the
Holy Land revolted against the rule
of the Byzantine Empire:



In the year 1095 of the Common Era,
the Crusaders of Christian Europe
reached the Holy Land, where they
found and killed many Jews:

Saint Louis University Professor
Thomas F. Madden, author of:
A Concise History of the Crusades,
claims the "Jewish Defenders" of the
city [Jerusalem] knew the rules of
warfare and retreated to their synagogue
to "prepare for death" since the
Crusaders had breached the outer walls.



For more answers to the question
“When did Jews live in the Holy Land?” please go to:




Who are the Palestinians?



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