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Thursday, April 11, 2019 

UK citizens who battle against ISIS to defeat it now face prosecution

The UK's Orwellian communism continues, extending to brave soldiers who've fought to defeat Islamofascism (Hat tip: Jihad Watch):
BRAVE Westerners who dropped their cosy lives to fight ISIS alongside the UK’s Kurdish allies face being treated like returning jihadis.

The UK is among many countries including Germany, The Netherlands and Australia, who penalise volunteers who risked their lives.

Former Brit squaddie Joe Robinson, 25, was arrested on holiday on trumped-up terrorism charges in 2017.

His partner Mira Rojkan, a Bulgarian citizen studying Law, was also arrested and accused of engaging in terrorist propaganda.

Rojkan was given a suspended sentence, the BBC reported Robinson’s mother as saying.

Robinson, who previously served in Afghanistan with the Duke of Lancaster Regiment, previously admitted fighting ISIS but went on to deny he acted alongside the Kurdish militia.


He wasn’t jailed in the UK, but last September he was jailed for seven-and-a-half years in Turkey.

He remained on bail as he appealed his sentence, but weeks before Christmas, he told the BBC he fled Turkey.

He said: “I could not accept the sentence and charges as I am not a criminal” adding “I had to take matters into my own hands.”

Although officials haven’t yet jailed returning volunteers in the UK, many others have faced intense scrutiny and prosecution upon their return.

And it’s not the same in the US.

A former US Marine claims they’re praised for fighting ISIS.

Havel Zafer, who served as a US Marine in Afghanistan told The Times it’s easier for Americans to join without any threat of prosecution.

He added: “In fact we’d likely get embraced for what we were doing when we got home.”

Even when he was injured on the battlefield, he recalled American medics “laughing and joking with him”, while others noted he was doing “good” work.
In sharp contrast, terrorists are the ones allowed to go free, and Theresa May's proven once again what a phony "conservative" she really is, so long as this backwards Orwellian nightmare is allowed to continue.

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