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Thursday, August 22, 2019 

Joint Arab List chairman is willing to form a government with Gantz

Maybe this isn't a shock, but Ayman Odeh's just made clear what he's willing to do in order to get his way:
Could there be a historic alliance between a ruling Israeli faction and a non-Zionist predominantly Arab list after the September 17 Knesset election?

MK Ayman Odeh, head of the Joint List, says his MKs would be “prepared to join a center-left coalition” under certain conditions.

[...] The center-left coalition to which he is referring would be led by Blue and White, headed by MK Benny Gantz, which finished tied with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party in the April 9 Knesset election and is running neck and neck in polls ahead of the September ballot.

[...] Odeh’s conditions include improved living conditions in the Israeli Arab sector, including the construction of a new city, as well as a return to negotiations with the Palestinians, says Yediot Ahronoth. He is also demanding the abolition of the nation-state law, which defines Israel as the state of the Jewish people.

In a tweet, Odeh adds another condition – “the end of the occupation and negotiations on the establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel.”
And what if Blue & White, in all their opportunism, is willing to do it, no matter what inner party divisions they're going through right now? This is disturbing, and even if the Joint Arab List doesn't join a government, they can still be dangerous. Exactly why Odeh's statements must serve as a wakeup call.

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Dennis Prager Speech at UC Irvine

by PragerU, 2019 February 8

(one hour 38 minutes)












Saudi journalist Fahad al-Shammari
declared [in a television interview] that:

“the Palestinians are beggars,” and “have no honor”.

SOURCE: PA and Jordanian
incitement against Saudi Arabia

by Yoni Ben Menachem of JCPA, 2019/7/28


Mr. Patrick Condell described the Palestinians as:

“the World's most tiresome cry-babies with a bogus
cause and a plight that is entirely self-inflicted”.

SOURCE: The Great Palestinian Lie
a YouTube video by Mr. Patrick Condell, 2011 October 6


Who are the Palestinians?




Miss Ayaan Hirsi Ali
[a Somalian-born ex-Muslim] said:

[In many Muslim countries], corrupt rulers
play an intricate game to stay in power.

Their signature move is the promise to “free”
the Holy Land — that is, to eliminate the Jewish state.

SOURCE: Anti-Semitism Is Hard to
Unlearn but it’s Possible — Even for Ilhan Omar



Miss Ayaan Hirsi Ali
[a Somalian-born ex-Muslim] said:

There is very little freedom of expression
in Muslim-majority countries, and state-owned
media churn out anti-Semitic and anti-Israel
propaganda daily — as do even media groups
that style themselves as critical of Muslim
autocracies, such as Al Jazeera
and Al-Manar.

SOURCE: Anti-Semitism Is Hard to
Unlearn but it’s Possible — Even for Ilhan Omar



Mr. John Rossomando said:

“[IUMS Trustee Sheikh Hassan Ould] Aldo
and the [Muslim] Brotherhood use language
similar to what Hamas used in its original
charter, which rejected any peaceful coexistence.

To them, Palestine is part of a
waqf, a holy Islamic trust,
that no person can negotiate away.”

SOURCE: Muslim Brotherhood,
Hamas: No Peace as Long as Israel Exists

by Mr. John Rossomando, 2019 July 1

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