Mohammed is now one of the fastest growing names for sons in USA
The place to track demographic change is at the bleeding edge. And so people flag the frequency of ‘Mohammed’ as a baby name in the UK or France. America is bigger and the immigration flow is wider so it’s not as simple, but Islamic demographic change is certainly happening.It's no longer in European countries like France, Britain and Italy where this is serious concern. It's also in the USA. And it's equally disturbing.
A telling sign of it is in the Social Security Administration’s list of fastest-growing baby names. [...]
By spelling, Social Security ranks Mohamed at 564, Mohammad, 555, Mohammed, 714, and Muhammad 297.
‘Muhammad’ went from rank 591 in 2001 to rank 297 in 2022.
Labels: anti-americanism, dhimmitude, immigration, islam, political corruption, United States