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Wednesday, August 30, 2023 

France bans Islamic abayas in schools

Something positive France has done in the time they banned Islamic garments like burkas from schools in 2004 (via Jihad Watch):
France is to ban Islamic garments known as abayas in schools from September, the government announced Sunday, with a top official calling them a “political attack” and an attempt to convert people to Islam.

In an interview on French TV channel TF1, education minister Gabriel Attal said the ban aligned with “laicité,” France’s hard-line version of secularism, which prohibits outward signs of religion in schools.

[...] Government spokesman Olivier Veran said Monday that the abaya was “obviously” religious and “a political attack, a political sign,” and that he deemed the wearing of it to be an act of “proselytizing.”

Attal said he would give “clear rules at the national level” to school heads ahead of the return to classes nationwide from September 4.

The move comes after months of debate over the wearing of abayas in French schools, where women and girls have long been barred from wearing the Islamic headscarf or face coverings.

A March 2004 law banned “the wearing of signs or outfits by which students ostensibly show a religious affiliation”…….
In addition to this news, it's also been reported that president Emmanuel Macron is seemingly changing his mind about mass immigration (also via Jihad Watch):
France must reduce immigration, beginning with legal entrants, President Emmanuel Macron said in a wide-ranging interview with weekly political magazine Le Point. Macron’s remark comes after he last year said that migration “is part of France’s DNA” and oversaw a record increase in immigrants in 2022.

During the Le Point interview, the French president indicated that his government will submit a new immigration bill to the French Parliament in the autumn, the adoption of which has been postponed several times over the past year.

“Are we flooded with immigration? No. You cannot say that. But the current situation is not sustainable, and we need to reduce immigration significantly, starting with illegal immigration. We have a duty to deliver,” the French president said in the interview.
Absolutely, but it has to take a Herculean effort to do it right. And that includes entering the no-go zones and extracting the illegal infiltrators from there for starters. So they're going to have to prove they're serious with the responsibilities involved, especially after the last horrific riot that saw tons of arson acts committed this year.

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