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Thursday, February 22, 2024 

British police are a disaster

The UK police allowed antisemitic slogans to be projected onto the Big Ben clock tower at the Palace of Westminster without interruption:
The genocidal slogan 'From the River to the Sea,' along with other anti-Israel messaging, was projected onto the famous Big Ben clocktower in London last night (Wednesday).

The incident occurred during an anti-Israel demonstration held as Parliament debated several resolutions calling for a ceasefire between Israel and the Hamas terrorist organization yesterday.

"From the river to the sea" is a call for the complete eradication of the State of Israel between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea as well as all of its Jewish and non-Arab residents.

Other projected slogans that were less overtly antisemitic included “Stop bombing Gaza,” “Ceasefire now” and “Stop war now.”

Conservative MPs and social media commentators accused the London police of doing nothing while the iconic London landmark was defaced.

Tory backbencher Andrew Percy told the House of Commons following the incident, “For months I’ve been standing up here talking about the people on our streets demanding ‘death to Jews’, demanding Jihad, demanding intifadas as the police stand by and allow that to happen.”

“Last night, a genocidal call of ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ was projected onto this building. That message says no Jew is welcome in the state of Israel or in that land. This is going to continue happening because we’re not dealing with it,”
he said.

Fellow Tory MP Matthew Offord said, “Many of my constituents have faced a level of anti-Semitism that we’ve never seen before.

“My constituents remind me not only of the calls for jihad on the streets of London and the Metropolitan Police refusing to do anything about it. They also remind me about men driving through north London threatening to rape Jewish women and the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) then declining to prosecute them.”

Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt said that police were investigating who projected the messages onto Elizabeth Tower and that the offenders would be prosecuted.
Sadly, there's little chance any serious prosecution will be conducted, any more than NYC's now diastrous legal system could offer. The same establishment even had officers taking down advertisements with pictures of hostages on them. And let's not forget they also refused to do anything about the Muslim rape gangs in Rotherham. The UK is seriously doomed.

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