Pope Francis pans gender ideology of the left
Pope Francis warned against the evil of “gender ideology” Friday and its tendency to obliterate the real differences between men and women.Oh, now he tells us, after he'd taken such lenience on the horrific ideology several months earlier, which conflicted with what's being told now. Would he kindly please take a clear stance on the issue, and, for that matter, would he kindly make sure he's not soft on Islamofascism either? The time's come for Christian representatives like him to start taking a firmer stance on these woke ideologies, and for all we know, he may have spoken up much too late.
“Today the worst danger is gender ideology, which cancels out differences,” the pontiff stated in off-the-cuff remarks before his opening address to participants in an international conference titled “Man-Woman Image of God” held in the Vatican’s synod hall.
“I have asked for studies to be carried out on this ugly ideology of our time, which erases differences and makes everything the same,” he said, adding that to erase sexual difference “is to erase humanity.”
This is why the present meeting is so important, he insisted.
Labels: Christianity, lgbt cultism, misogyny, Moonbattery, political corruption, sexual violence