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Thursday, November 24, 2005 

The Padilla/Muhajir trial

Michelle Malkin provides coverage of the indictment now underway for Jose Padilla(also known as Muhajir), a New York born Muslim convert suspected of plotting a "dirty bomb" attack, and conspiracy to kidnap, torture and murder people overseas. The other suspects arrested include:
Adham Amin Hassoun, Mohammed Hesham Youssef, Kifah Wael Jayyousi, and Kassem Daher. Hassoun also was indicted on eight additional charges, including perjury, obstruction of justice and illegal firearm possession.

Hassoun, a Palestinian computer programmer who moved to Florida in was arrested in June 2002 for allegedly overstaying his student visa. Prosecutors previously described him as a former associate of Padilla.

Padilla has been held at a Navy brig in South Carolina. Following the indictment, which was handed up last Thursday, President Bush sent a memo to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld ordering Padilla transferred to the federal detention facility in Miami.
It doesn't stop there. As Debbie Schlussel reports, one of the terrorists on trial, that being Jayyousi, had access to numerous air ducts and water systems in public places:
One co-indictee, Kifah Wael Jayyousi, has a VERY scary background--because HE INFILTRATED DETROIT AND WASHINGTON, DC SCHOOL SYSTEMS & HAD ACCESS TO THEIR AIR DUCTS, WATER.

Here in Detroit, Jayyousi was Assistant Superintendent of the Detroit Public Schools, from 1997-1999. He was in charge of physical facilities and capital improvement for the school district and oversaw spending of $1.5 million school bond funds. He was also an adjunct professor of engineering at Wayne State University--just as another terrorist, Sami Al-Arian--was a professor at University of South Florida. After he left the Detroit Public Schools, he took a similar job at the Washington, D.C. Public Schools, running its facilities.

It's frightening that this man had access to facilities and infrastructure in schools--from which he could easily spread poisons and toxins.
And it's quite possible that he could've had contact with Al-Arian as well. Jayyousi better be kept under lock and key, ditto Padilla.

The Counterterrorism Blog's got plenty more info on Padilla and his background. Citizen Journal discusses the ultra-PC Washington Post's attempt to whitewash the culprit.

Others on the subject include La Shawn Barber, The Malcontent, A Blog for All, National Review's The Corner, Macsmind, Junkyard Blog, Weapons of Mass Destruction, The Political Pit Bull, The Indepundit, Crazy Politicos Ranting.


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