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Sunday, July 30, 2006 

The armed agents of Islamic jihad

Following the murder and wounding of five other women in Seattle, Michelle Malkin's got a list of several other Islamic jihadists over the years, supposedly loners in their intentions, but really agents of a much larger death cult.

Plus, here's something to ponder from Little Green Footballs: that following the murder of Jews, it's Islamic mosques that are getting protection. This reminds me that, following 9-11, there were some Israeli citizens in the US who were getting arrested, as if they were the ones posing a threat.

These biases and discriminations are something that are going to have to change, because if not, then it'll only enforce the image of the US authorities as discriminatory and even favoring the antagonists. It's bad enough that the DHS has already had its image disgraced, do we need any more of this? The US authorities owe an apology and an explanation.

And now, while we're on the subject of the Seattle jihadist Naveed Haq, here's something extra to take note of (warning: graphic content):
In March of this year, he climbed up on a raised coin fountain inside Kennewick's Columbia Center mall and began "catcalling" women at the makeup counter at the nearby Macy's store, said Lisa Beaton, a Kennewick city prosecutor. When young women walked by his perch, Haq unzipped his pants and allegedly flashed his penis at them, Beaton said.
"Allegedly"? Is this some sort of an attempt to call every woman who got grossed out by that diablo vulgarian a bimbo? That aside, this reminded me that a few months ago, there was a similar case here in Jerusalem in the Pisgat Ze'ev neighborhood, reported in the bi-weekly Kol HaPisgah, of a Muslim teenager who was running around the neighborhood exposing his own private parts at a couple of pedestrians. The police arrested him and sent him for therapy (if it matters, yes, there have also been various Muslim rape cases here over the years, the most recent reported two months ago, of one who raped and strangled an 8-year-old girl in Bet Shemesh, and even a Muslim border patrol officer who sodomized an elderly woman he went after on a road. Yes, that's right, even older women can be and are in danger of Islam in cases like these). I advise everyone reading to make a note on cases like those that take place in Israel too, because it shows that yes, here too is Israel, similar crises have taken place.

Update: everyone concerned should take note of this too: The Seattle Times (via Jihad Watch) reports that the cretin will be tried on state murder and attempted murder charges instead of federal hate-crime laws. I think this is solid reason to call up the justice system to complain and protest, because there's every chance that Muslim attackers of Christians and Buddhists could also end up being tried only by state rather than federal laws when committing hate crimes.

Also available at Basil's Blog, bRight and Early, Leaning Straight Up, Third World County, Wizbang. Others on the subject include Hot Air, IRIS Blog, Jihad Watch, The Belmont Club, Kesher Talk, California Conservative, Bastardeyes, Blog-o-fascists, JunkYardBlog, Dive Desk Log, Conspiracy, what Conspiracy, Point Five, Hyscience, Rhymes With Right, Pajamas Media, Right Voices, Webloggin, The Daily Spork.

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