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Sunday, September 07, 2008 

A flood of anti-Palin smears from the left

John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin for VP candidate has led to an avalanche of terrible, but probably unsurprising, smears and other forms of vile reactions, against her. For example, US Weekly published one of the most disgusting attacks on Palin, a tabloid-style smear. Fortunately, this has led to quite a few cancellations of subscriptions of this rock-bottom magazine. Go to the official boycott site for more. And don't get me started on the "criticism" of how she wears her hair! Michelle Malkin has published a column about the four stages of conservative female abuse that explains the left's new derangement.

What's interesting is how all these smears came out almost instantly. And it's telling of the selective hostility the left has against women - if it's someone whose standings don't coincide with theirs, they will turn savage immediately. Among some examples of left-liberals who've unleashed their hostility towards Palin could include Julian Sanchez, a moonbat writer for Reason who wrote the following on his blog in response to one of the Weekly Standard's own items. And yeesh, what a disgusting cynic he is. He's got "serious reservations" about voting for Obama? Why do I find this hard to buy? And, there's also another liberal, albeit slightly more clever in his approach than Sanchez, who also works for Reason, named Radley Balko, who linked on his blog to a Wash. Post item about Palin selling a plane she once owned to a businessman. Allegedly, she first tried to sell it on Ebay. The article seems to be more or less a smear alright, as is Balko's implying that she sold it, in his words, "with a nice discount". Pardon me, but a used plane that originally cost $2.7 million that was sold for $2.1 million as a used vehicle is a pretty fair price. As one of the commentors on Balko's own blog says:
The plane seems a non-issue to me, they tried to sell it on ebay with no serious bids. Recovering 80% of the purchase price of a depreciating asset seems like a pretty good, perhaps above market value, sale.
Spot on. And ah, look at this: the UK Observer reports that the one and only Oprah Winfrey has refused to interview Palin on her talk show. At the same time, the article does descend into some bias of its own. Because hey, this is just another moonbat newspaper, after all.

Some of these anti-Palin smears have fortunately been struck down, as this entry on Hot Air shows (Explorations has a whole list of the startling smears that were issued). But overall, all these nutroots are doing is helping Sarah Palin because of how quick they were to come out with their obnoxious slurs and other bizarre fantasies.

Update: this is fortunate: Hilary Clinton's staff have told The Australian that they won't be anyone's attack dog against Palin (H/T: Don Surber). Or, more precisely, that they won't be a tool for the left.

See also more on this at Patterico (plus, another one), Swamp Hermit, Thoughts of a Conservative Christian, Neocon News, The Dan Lee Report, Fullosseous Flap, Ace of Spades HQ, Chockblock's Blog, Confederate Yankee, Okie on the Lam in LA, Right Wing Nation, Dinocrat, Daily Conservative, Right Voices, Political Party Poop, Hennessey's View, Scared Monkeys, Blue Crab Boulevard, ScoopThis.Org, Little Green Footballs.

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