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Wednesday, August 01, 2018 

Corbyn's "apology" cannot be accepted

Jeremy Corbyn's supposedly apologizing for the rampant antisemitism devouring the British Labour party:
The leader of Britain's opposition Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, apologized on Wednesday for causing "concern and anxiety" by hosting a 2010 event at which another speaker was reported by a newspaper to have compared Israeli policy to Nazi policies.

Corbyn is wrestling with accusations that his party has been tolerant of antisemitism among some of its members. Last month Jewish newspapers said Labour would represent an "existential threat to Jewish life in this country" if they won power.

The Times newspaper reported that Corbyn hosted a Holocaust Memorial Day meeting at which a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz, Hajo Meyer, who died in 2014, repeatedly made comparisons between Israeli policy and Nazism. Before his death, Meyer criticized Israel's policies towards Palestinians.

Reuters has not been able to verify what was said at the event. The Times carried a photograph of Corbyn at the event with Meyer, and his office did not dispute his involvement.

"Views were expressed at the meeting which I do not accept or condone," Corbyn said in a statement.

"In the past, in pursuit of justice for the Palestinian people and peace in Israel/Palestine, I have on occasion appeared on platforms with people whose views I completely reject. I apologize for the concerns and anxiety that this has caused."

The Campaign Against Antisemitism, a charity which seeks to combat and educate people about antisemitism, said it did not believe Corbyn's apology.

Corbyn has previously apologized for what he called "pockets" of antisemitism in the party and promised to stamp them out. He has responded to protests by meeting with Jewish community leaders reassuring Jewish people they are welcome in the party.
Well I'm not buying his apology either. Not if he keeps using that "palestine" crap, and reducing everything to just "concern/anxiety", instead of offense, disgust and serious worry. The Labour party's clearly going downhill, as are the Democrats in America today, and it's high time they were abandoned by all concerned. Unfortunately, there's every chance Corbyn could rise to power because of Theresa May's poor handling of Brexit, along with the rise of Islamofascism in the UK. It's very sad indeed.

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This article says mucn about an Englishman
who hates Israel. Now for some quotes from
a much more famous Englishman who liked Israel:

[Winston] Churchill wrote, on 3 June 1950 CE:

“The thought, the inspiration and the culture
of the Jews has been one of the vital dominants
in the world history.

There are none of the arts or sciences which
have not been enriched by Jewish achievements.”

SOURCE: Churchill and the Jews
(chapter 26, pages 280 to 281) by Martin Gilbert,
year 2007 CE

Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister
from 1940 to 1945 CE and from 1951 to 1955 CE.

Who are the Palestinians?


[Winston] Churchill spoke [in year 1954 CE] of
the Jewish Nobel Prizewinners, whose contribution
to humanity in many fields had been “unique and absolute.”

There were nations of hundreds of millions of
people who had been unable to produce a single
Nobel Prizewinner, “and are the beneficiaries
every day from the genius and discoveries of the Jews.”

SOURCE: Churchill and the Jews
(chapter 26, page 290) by Martin Gilbert, year 2007 CE

Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister
from 1940 to 1945 CE and from 1951 to 1955 CE.

Time Magazine vs Truth:


Winston Churchill said [in year 1955 CE]:

“You ought to let the Jews have Jerusalem;
it is they who made it famous.”

SOURCE: Churchill and the Jews
(chapter 26, page 292) by Martin Gilbert, year 2007 CE

Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister
from 1940 to 1945 CE and from 1951 to 1955 CE.

Did Captain Kirk believe in negotiating with terrorists?


In the year 1922 CE Winston Churchill said this:

“Left to themselves, the Arabs of Palestine
would not in a thousand years have taken
effective steps towards the irrigation
and electrification of Palestine.

They would have been quite content to dwell,
a handful of philosophic people, in the
wasted sun-scorched plains, letting the
waters of the Jordan continue to flow
unbridled and unharnessed into the Dead Sea.”

SOURCE: Churchill and the Jews
(chapter 7, page 81) by Martin Gilbert, year 2007 CE

Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister
from 1940 to 1945 CE and from 1951 to 1955 CE.


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