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Friday, October 11, 2019 

Malka Leifer will remain in prison during proceedings

Justice has thankfully prevailed on Haredi child molestor Leifer's status, and she will remain behind bars:
The Supreme Court overturned on Thursday a lower court order that a former Australian school principal suspected of sexual assault, and whom Australia is seeking to extradite, be released from prison to house arrest.

Malka Leifer poses a flight risk and should remain behind bars until extradition proceedings conclude, Justice Anat Baron ruled, finding in favor of prosecutors’ appeal against the Jerusalem District Court’s Oct. 2 order.

[...] In August, the Israel Police recommended indicting Deputy Health Minister Yakov Litzman on suspicion he tried to pressure court-appointed psychiatrists to support Leifer’s mental illness claims.

It will be up to state prosecutors to decide whether to accept the police findings and charge Litzman, who has denied any wrongdoing.
I should hope the prosecution opens an official case against Litzman too, for all the harm he's caused to the justice system on his part. This whole case has practically damaged the image of Israel's justice system as much as the leftists in charge for many years did.

Update: the sisters who were victims of the witch are glad she's being kept behind bars:
A senior Israeli judge has declared accused pedophile Malka Leifer a flight risk as she overturned the granting of bail to the woman wanted on 74 counts of child sex abuse in Melbourne.

Her alleged victims applauded the decision, saying it had restored their faith in Israel’s justice system and hope that Ms Leifer would ­finally answer to an Australian court. “It’s been hanging over our heads like a thunder cloud for the last week,” said Nicole Meyer, 34, the eldest of three sisters who say they were abused by Leifer when she was principal of Melbourne’s ultra-Orthodox Adass Israel ­Jewish school.

“So it was really positive to have a result like this. It gives us hope in the process again.” [...]

Marking the 60th court hearing in the marathon case, Justice Baron took aim at the defence, saying: “The doubt itself regarding the credibility of the defendant in everything relating to her mental status creates the concern that this is an attempt by her to escape justice and to disrupt the legal proceedings.”

Issuing a hurry-up to the lower court, she noted that the extradition proceedings had been under way for five years.

On the decision last month by the Jerusalem District Court to appoint another panel of psychiatrists to assess Ms Leifer’s fitness for court, Justice Baron said: “It would be fitting … for the panel of experts to be appointed without delay, and after … the conclusions of the panel are received that a ruling be made within a reasonable time.”
Better still would be if a judgement would be issued that mental illness should not be an obstacle to extradition. Because even mentally ill aren't above punishment.

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