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Wednesday, March 16, 2022 

Yes, even private schools can be a bad influence

There's a girls' school in Texas called Hockaday that's been indoctrinating Critical Race Theory, and defending political violence:
The Hockaday School, a private all-girls school in Dallas, Texas, has defended leftist political violence and encouraged white people to “re-educate” themselves to engage in racial accountability.

Hockaday thus joins other schools in Dallas like the Episcopal School of Dallas and Parish Episcopal School, both of which are also affiliated with the far-left National Association of Independent Schools and push leftwing racial grievance politics.

The Hockaday School Defends Looting

The Hockaday School, which recently abolished a century-old tradition of white graduation dresses in the name of inclusion, lists a number of different DEI resources on their website. Among the resources listed for upper school students was an appalling article titled “In Defense of Looting,” which uses the politics of racial grievance to defend acts of political violence, calling looting “one of the most righteous anti-white supremacist tactics.”
There's plenty more told, but for now, this is a vital lesson how private schools can be as dangerous as public ones, if not checked carefully. It's strongly advised for all worried parents with children at such schools to dock their payments and remove their children from the schools, and call for disbarring the teachers and principles from ever working in the business again.

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