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Monday, February 19, 2024 

2 men handed severe prison terms for leading gang rape in Eilat

Two men who were involved in the sexual assault of a 16 year old girl at a hotel in Eilat 4 years ago have been given serious prison sentences:
The Beersheba District Court on Monday handed down lengthy prison terms to two men for their parts in leading the gang rape of a 16-year-old girl at an Eilat hotel in 2020.

Issy Raphaelov, 31, received 22 years behind bars while Eliezer Meirav, 30, will serve 14 years
, according to the court ruling.

The pair, both from Hadera, were also ordered to pay the victim NIS 200,000 ($55,172) and NIS 100,000 respectively.

The pair led a list of 11 suspects accused of taking part in a shocking gang rape that scandalized the country, with testimony indicating that men and boys lined up to assault the victim as eyewitnesses failed to intervene.

Raphaelov was convicted in September on two counts of rape and two counts of aiding and abetting a rape, as well as of indecent acts and invasion of privacy.

Meirav was convicted of rape and gang rape.

At least seven others are awaiting sentencing
over the incident.

At the Monday sentencing, Judges Yael Raz-levi, Gilat Shalev, and Aharon Mishnayot rejected a defense claim that the perpetrators were not violent to their victim, noting that it has been determined in other cases that rape itself is an “aggressive and violent act.”

The perpetrators, the judges said, “showed not the slightest trace of empathy for the complainant.”

The victim was not present at the sentencing but presiding judge Raz-Levi addressed remarks to her, saying the court hopes she will “gather the continued strength to manage the course of her life.”

Prosecuting attorney Rotem Yohanani Har Zion said the sentences reflected “the severity of the acts committed by the accused and the depth of the damage, degradation, and humiliation caused to the complainant.”

“We hope that the messages of the court in the sentencing and the verdict will resonate, will be learned, and will help to prevent similar cases in the future,”
she said.
One must wonder, of course, if a scandal like this would've resulted in outrage at the time if Muslims had gang raped the girl. Things have changed since October 7, 2023, when the Hamas committed their bloodbath in southern Israel. But back at the time, anybody who'd refused to firmly address the issue had the Religion of Peace played a part would've done a horrible wrong to many victims of Islamofascism worldwide. A similar argument can be made when it comes to victims of men claiming to be transsexual.

For now, it's good to know the court handed the 2 main perpetrators in the Eilat incident doubt-digit sentences, and the rest of the culprits should receive the same.

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