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Sunday, February 11, 2024 

Biden's staff continues to betray Israel

One of Joe Biden's staff pandered to Muslims in Michigan:
A senior aide to President Joe Biden told Arab- and Muslim-Americans in Dearborn, Michigan, this week that the administration had no “confidence” in Israel’s government to agree to a Palestinian state, and that the U.S. had regrets about the war in Gaza.

Dearborn has been a hotbed of radicalism and open support for the Hamas terrorists who launched the war with a brutal attack October 7 that killed roughly 1,200 Israelis. But Arab- and Muslim-American votes are important in the swing state of Michigan.

Therefore the Biden campaign and the Biden administration — blurring the line between partisan politics and foreign policy that it pretends to uphold elsewhere — have tried to appease Arab and Muslim voters in Michigan with increasingly anti-Israel stances.

The New York Times reported Friday that Jon Finer, the Deputy National Security Advisor to President Biden, was sent to meet leaders in Dearborn.
It goes without saying this is disgraceful, and makes clear the Biden administration is not supporting Israel. An utter atrocity of policy.

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