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Friday, February 02, 2024 

Pro-Israeli MP in Britain intimidated out of office by Islamofascists

It's a sad and telling sign what's gone wrong in the UK when pro-Israeli MPs leave politics because Islamofascists practically visited arson upon their offices:
British MP Mike Freer has announced that he would be leaving politics after years of death threats, in part due to his support of Israel.

"As you can imagine this has not been an easy decision," the Conservative politician wrote in a letter announcing that he would not seek reelection as MP for the Finchley and Golders Green sections of London.

Last month, Freer's office was targeted in an arson attack damaging three three floors at the back of the building.

The MP also narrowly escaped murderer Ali Harbi Ali, who went on to kill Tory MP Sir David Amess in 2021. Before killing Amess, Ali had visited Freer’s consistency office.

Freer cites the near murder, the recent arson attack, and being targeted by the banned Islamist group Muslims Against Crusades, as the reasons for his decision, saying that they "have weighed heavily on me and my husband, Angelo."
What's interesting here is that the MP who was targeted appears to be homosexual, and because he's pro-Israel, the establishment throws him under the bus, which they wouldn't do if Jews were the ones who even remotely disagreed with his lifestyle. And the UK establishment, to this day, continues to allow some of the worst barbarians to dwell in the country, and allow in many more via their problem with illegal immigration. To make matters worse, they've even been lenient on Hamas.
Freer has been outspoken on Israel and a strong supporter of the Jewish community in his constituency. He said the abuse he faced for challenging antisemitism was “a factor” in his resignation. He went on, "I don't think we can divorce" antisemitism from the intimidation.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews reacted to MP Freer's announcement: "Since his election as an MP in 2010, Mike Freer has been one of the Jewish community's most stalwart supporters in British politics. The fact that he has decided not to seek nomination again as an MP due in part to the threats and abuse he has received should be widespread cause for concern. We thank Mike for his service as MP for the constituency with the largest Jewish community in the country, and are proud to call him a friend."

Former Home Secretary MP Suella Braverman commented "Mike Freer MP is a first class politician and public servant. That he has been hounded out of office by Islamists is a serious indictment of where we are as a society.

She added: "For months, hateful marches have become a regular fixture around the country. Authorities (councils, universities & the police) have turned a blind eye to flagrant racism towards Jewish people, and essentially, antisemitism has become acceptable & normalized on our streets.
More than that, the UK authorities have practically allowed discrimination against Christians and UK patriots, including army veterans, and it's become insufferable in the extreme. Yet the government continues to go nowhere in combatting these issues, and it's very sad.

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