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Tuesday, October 17, 2023 

UK premier Rishi Sunak giving money to Hamas, who led to the deaths of several British citizens

Britain's current premier is taking the public's taxpayer pound and giving them to the enemy who murdered UK citizens in Israel:
At least six British citizens dead and ten missing in Israel “pogrom” says UK Prime Minister Sunak as he declares solidarity with Israel, and extra aid money for Palestinian people.

[...] Sunak described the carnage caused by Hamas terrorists as they raided Israeli territory, going door-to-door at Kibbutzes (communal farms) and attacking music festivals, saying: “over 1,400 murdered one by one… Almost 200 taken hostage. The elderly, men, women, children, babes in arms murdered, mutilated, burned alive. We should call it by its name. It was a pogrom.”

[...] While expressing solidarity and sympathy for both Israel and Jews in the United Kingdom fearing a rising tide of antisemitism, Sunak also said he recognised British Muslims were feeling a “moment of great anguish” as they were “appalled by Hamas’s actions but fearful of the response”. The Prime Minister said Hamas used “innocent Palestinian people as human shields” and said the UK government was boosting aid payments to Palestine while calling on Israel to “take every possible precaution to avoid harming civilians”.

“I am proud that we are a longstanding and significant provider of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people. And I can announce today that we are increasing our aid by a third, with an additional ten million pounds of support. An acute humanitarian crisis is unfolding to which we must respond. We must support the Palestinian people because they are victims of Hamas too.”
He's effectively nullified the impact of his whole statement, by not providing aid to Israeli victims of jihadism. Considering how many of those he propagandistically calls "palestinians" are antisemitic, as noted previously by Florida governor Ron deSantis, that's exactly why this is a most dangerous risk to take with taxpayer money, and Caroline Glick's already noted that in a way, the "palestinians" are Hamas, since they supported them in the first place. Sunak has definitely screwed up royally this time, and done nothing to build confidence at all.

Update: by contrast, conservative representatives in the USA say that no taxpayer dollars should go to palestinian entities:
More than 60 conservative leaders on Friday urged the complete defunding of U.S. foreign aid to Palestinians through Congress’ appropriations process.

In a joint letter to Congress, the leaders stated, “In light of the heinous war against Israel started by Hamas and supported by other Palestinian elements in the region, not one American taxpayer dollar should flow to or underwrite any Palestinian entity or person.”

Advancing American Freedom, a think tank founded by former Vice President Mike Pence, led the coalition letter. Conservative leaders such as former U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese III; Family Research Council President Tony Perkins; retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin; Young America’s Foundation President Scott Walker; former Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; and Rep. Mary Miller, R-Ill., signed the letter.

This follows news of 30 Americans confirmed killed in Israel and 13 missing as of Sunday during the Hamas attack and subsequent violence.
If USA conservatives can object, why can't alleged UK conservatives like Sunak?

Update 2: the EU is also worsening the situation by giving funds to Gaza, tripling the numbers all for the sake of the wrong side, and not giving even a penny to Israeli victims of terrorism. As noted here:
Last week, Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman Lior Haiat said that some of the blame for the recent terror attacks should be placed on the EU for funding the radicalisation of Palestinian youths.

“Those textbooks are the root of the Palestinian terror against Israelis. Young people are being taught, educated, to hate Jews and to murder Jews,” Haiat said, adding: “The entire international community should review the way that they see the conflict here.”
This is why the EU is just as useless as the UN, and should be condemned for what they've led to.

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