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Monday, October 16, 2023 

Former Mossad chief warns against restoring water to Gaza

A former Mossad chief has warned against showing weakness, even with water, which the Islamists of Gaza actually have access to even without Israel providing:
Former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen has called on Israel to stand firm behind its policies and not provide water to Gaza.

Speaking to Reshet Bet, Cohen said, "Do not blink in the closure, do not blink in the blockade. Bringing water into the Gaza Strip is the first blink in the Israeli policy."

"Bringing merchandise in through the Rafah Crossing is a mistake,
" he stressed, noting that Gazan civilians also took part in the October 7 butchering of innocent Israelis.

Cohen also emphasized that Iran was "100% involved" in the barbaric massacre on residents of Israeli communities near the Gaza border.

On the subject of the Israeli hostages still in Gaza, Cohen said that he opposes speaking with Hamas, but does not oppose various countries' efforts to broker an agreement through which Hamas would receive some measure of compensation.

"We are working to free the hostages by means of a deal - indirect negotiations with Hamas, as we have done in the past," he explained.

At the same time, he stressed, "There are rules for insanity as well, and we want to know that the hostages are being treated in accordance with international law."
This is a vital argument. But chances are the hostages aren't being treated well by Hamas, and if there's anybody else who isn't, it's Gazan residents who're attempting to flee:
Reports are emerging that the Hamas terrorist group is preventing civilians from evacuating northern Gaza, killing innocent Palestinians who try to leave, and preventing American citizens from using the Rafah border crossing to escape to Egypt.

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Jonathan Conricus has been warning for days that Hamas is preventing civilians from leaving Gaza ahead of an anticipated ground war. He cited both Israeli and international sources in an interview on CNN Sunday: [...]

The Fourth Geneva Convention requires that foreign civilians who wish to leave a conflict area must be allowed to do so, or must be given the opportunity to present their case for doing so to an appropriate tribunal. Hamas is thus violating international law.
And that's what they did when they committed gory barbarism against infants.

Making matters worse is that Joe Biden not only ignores much of this, he's even regurgitated leftist talking points on TV, and even advocating the 2-state solution:
Sunday, during an interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” President Joe Biden voiced his opposition to Israeli occupation of Gaza in the wake of the Hamas terror attack on Israel.

Biden also called for a “Palestinian state”
when asked about the elimination of Hamas.
It goes entirely without saying that this perpetuates monumental offense, even if it's far from shocking at this point. As is Biden's refusal to accept an invitation from Benjamin Netanyahu to pay a solidarity visit to Israel:
President Joe Biden reportedly turned down Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s invite for a “solidarity visit” following the horrific terrorist attacks at the hands of Hamas.

“After Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office leaks that the premier invited US President Joe Biden to pay a solidarity visit to Israel following Hamas’s massive assault, White House National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson says, ‘We have no new travel to announce,'” the Time of Israel reported.

As to why Biden turned down the trip remains unknown at this time. Needless to say, the president and Netanyahu have had a strained relationship since he resumed office. The two did not even agree on a White House meeting until September of this year. [...]
Not that many people may want Biden to visit, but even so, this too is despicable and completely disrespectful of the Israeli victims and their families, whom Biden and company are indicating they're unwilling to meet.

Update: Caroline Glick makes clear that Netanyahu must stand firm against any efforts by Biden to pressure Israel into caving. More on the subject by Daniel Winston.

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