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Thursday, February 22, 2024 

Muslim gunmen murdered man at Ma'aleh Adumim checkpoint

More Hamas sympathisers from PLO areas have committed murderous violence in Israel:
One Israeli was killed and eight more were wounded, including three severely, after gunshots were fired on Highway 1 near Ma'ale Adumim just outside of Jerusalem, Israel Police confirmed early Thursday morning.

Three terrorists were killed on the scene of the attack by armed civilians, police said. They have been identified as Muhammed Zuwarah, aged 26, and his brother Hathem Zuwarah, aged 31. Along with them was Ahmad al-Hush, aged 31. All three were Palestinian residents of Bethlehem.

The terrorists took advantage of the traffic jam at the A-Za'ayem checkpoint that separates the West Bank from Jerusalem. Vehicles coming from the direction of Ma'aleh Adumim and other points in the West Bank, including the Jordan Valley, were stuck in a protracted traffic jam as they waited to be given clearance to head onward in the directions of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

The three Palestinian attackers arrived at the scene in two separate vehicles, fully armed with an M-16 rifle, a Carlo submachine gun, grenades, and cartridges.

They then exited their vehicles and began to shoot toward people sitting inside their cars.

The two terrorists who began shooting and were neutralized, while a third who tried to escape was later located.
This article notes:
The terrorists who carried out the deadly shooting near Ma’ale Adumim are identified by the Shin Bet as Muhammad Zawahra, 26, and his brother Kathem Zawahra, 31, both residents of the Bethlehem area village of Ta’amra, and Ahmed Al-Wahsh, 31, a resident of Za’atara, also in the Bethlehem area.

Kathem Zawahra had been previously jailed for entering Israel illegally, the Shin Bet says.
So now we have more of this horrific behavior contining, all incited, of course, by the bloodbath the Hamas committed on October 7, 2023.

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