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Monday, May 13, 2024 

Muslim school board president in NJ charged with sexual abuse admits to polygamy

Over in New Jersey, which has a considerable Muslim population in places like Patterson, the president of a Muslim school board was accused of sexual abuse, and it even turns out he's a polygamist (Hat tip: Pamela Geller):
A 56-year-old New Jersey school board president told a civil sexual abuse trial jury Wednesday that he met four of his six “religious wives” when they were 18 as he denied accusations he groomed one whom he taught in middle school.

Camden School Advisory Board President Wasim Muhammad delved into his multiple marital relationships on the stand, which he admitted is “an exception and not the rule” and “very controversial,” according to a Philadelphia Inquirer report.

A 45-year-old woman is suing Muhammad, who is a minister and community activist in the Garden State city, for allegedly sexually abusing her when she was a minor. The alleged abuse began when he was her 7th-grade social studies middle school teacher in 1994 and carried on for multiple years, she claims.

The 2021 lawsuit accuses Muhammad, a father of 17, of dragging his ex-student to a porn theater where he made her have sex with a stranger as he creepily watched after she returned to Camden following a few years out of state.

“I ask myself why did this happen?” the plaintiff testified last week, according to the outlet. “Why did he do this to me? Who would do this to a 13-year-old girl? There are no answers for me.’”
None that even the papers like those reporting the issue have the honesty to raise, that being the Religion of Peace. Good luck to the woman on her lawsuit, and let's hope the creep gets put in prison. But this is another instance in over many years where any part the Religion of Peace could have in such terrible incidents is otherwise given a pass and harder questions avoided.

And whatever one may think of polygamy, it's offensive when Muslims are allowed to practice it for producing children to outnumber those of their host country, while non-Muslims are held to entirely different standards.

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