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Monday, May 13, 2024 

UN reduces number of casualties in Gaza

It appears the UN is - decidedly quite belatedly - reducing the number of casualties in Gaza by half:
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has revised its figures for the number of women and children who have been killed in Gaza since the beginning of the war down by nearly half, Fox News reported.

On May 8, OCHA's daily report on casualties in Gaza stated that 9,500 women and 14,500 children had been killed in Gaza since October 7, 2023. The report relied on the figures provided by the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry.

On May 8, two days later, OCHA's daily report slashed the number of women down to 4,959, while the number of children killed fell to 7,797 children.

The revised figures show 4,541 fewer deaths among women and 6,703 fewer deaths among children.

The OCHA report stated that 24,686 people had been killed as of the end of April, more than 10,000 less than the 35,000 figure Hamas has claimed.

10,006 adult males and 1,924 elderly people have been killed according to the OCHA statistics.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres spokesman Farhan Aziz Haq told Fox News Digital that "the United Nations teams on the ground in Gaza are unable to independently verify those figures given the prevailing situation on the ground and the sheer volume of fatalities."

"It is for this reason that all figures used by the UN clearly cite the Health Ministry in Gaza as the source,"
Haq said.

An Israeli official told Fox that "Israel has repeatedly said the numbers coming out of Gaza and which are being echoed by U.N. agencies are being manipulated by Hamas, are not accurate, and do not reflect the reality on the ground."
What's offensive about the UN's conduct is that, if the Israeli side were able to provide more accurate figures, the UN obviously refuses to make of those. All they've done is make clear who's side they're actually on, and only now are willing to revise things.

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