Latest reports from Iraq
Winds of Change gives the latest reports on the going-ons in Iraq, and it looks like the al Qaeda is getting very vicious, and taking whatever last resort steps they can to try and keep the jihad going:
As the vote on the Iraqi constitution nears, al Qaeda has given up all pretense of fighting for the Iraqi people. They are now so desperate to stop Iraq's progress they are playing their last card, trying to incite the minority Sunnis against the majority Shiites and Kurds in hopes of triggering a civil war in Iraq. More than 250 Iraqis are already dead after a series of bombings aimed at setting the Shiites against the Sunnis. The bloodshed is likely to get even worse as the vote on the constitution draws nearer.At the same time, we can only hope that the constitution won't contain any discriminations against other races and religions, as it initially looked a few months ago, since that would only be doing something even the al Qaeda advocates. For that reason, cautious observation should be taken to see what's being done.