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Monday, May 22, 2006 

On the subject of the Belgian left's persecution of Paul Belien

In the past week, Paul Belien of the Brussels Journal was attacked by the Belgian dhimmi leftists, who're accusing him of creating the atmosphere that led to an 18-year-old punk going on a shooting spree in Antwerp. Here are two more accounts of what's happened (via Jihad Watch).

Let me say that -- I'm sorry it's come to this ungrateful reaction from the moonbats of Belgium. However, I want to make perfectly clear that it's still very hard for me to get over Belien's sugarcoating of Jean-Marie Le Pen, as he did last year, and then look what happened -- Le Pen formed an alliance with Muslim representatives in France.

But whether this was before or after, it makes no difference -- to go and shill for a creature as lowly as Le Pen would be unacceptable at any time. It also makes no difference whether Le Pen, if in power, would actually start doing dictatorial things, his incitement against the Jewish community and other minority groups in France, is bad enough, and led to quite a lot of hostility in years past that damaged the country. What Belien did was simply devastating, and undermines his credibility considerably.

I'm saying this with a heavy heart, because as much as I felt stung when he sugarcoated the whole issue surrounding Le Pen, I'm not happy that Belien's run afoul of these attacks. But let's be clear here: anti-Semitism and racism, regardless of whom it is who's espousing it, is NOT acceptable. It's also what almost destroyed Europe during WW2, and to excuse what Le Pen's done, which, lest we forget, is also what the Islamofascists are doing, is to run the gauntlet of leading to more. And even if Jews, Blacks and Asians were not around, you can be sure that the Islamofascists would turn against the very entities who tolerated what they did to the racial minority groups next. If we excuse racism regardless of who's coughing it up, we run the risk of allowing exactly what the Islamofascists are espousing to continue under the sponsorship of other bad entities as well.

And that's exactly why Le Pen is simply invalid as a political candidate.

For the record, it seems that Le Point and the UK Telegraph have been shilling for Le Pen recently too. They make no mention of the fact that Le Pen's been moving closer to allying himself with the Muslim community as of late, and I might point out that almost noone in the moonbat crowd ever seems to have attacked Le Pen for pointing out the problems in France, whereas when Alain Finkielkraut did, they were more than willing to go after him.

Update: I should also note that Le Pen condemned the Mohammed cartoons from Denmark (See this topic from View from the Right, where it's noted) and not only that, he also defended and made up excuses for Iran's building nuclear weapons. That certainly doesn't help matters.

Update 2: Belien told Gates of Vienna that he's going on sabbatical for awhile, until things have hopefully quieted down. I'm glad if he won't let the moonbats scare him. But when he returns, I'd appreciate if he'd avoid coming within even miles of shilling for awful creatures like Le Pen. It'd just make Belien look foolish, and considering the crisis Europe is already facing, the last thing they need is sugarcoating or total whitewashing of sinister characters like what Le Pen just so happens to be.

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