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Sunday, August 06, 2006 

Reutered photos and toy decoys

Another blow to MSM credibility on mideast issues is their doctoring, or, as in the case Reuters, Reutering the photos of Lebanon during Israeli warplaning, to make it look like the damage done was even worse than it was. Little Green Footballs has some pics, and Ace of Spades has a bullseye analysis of what's wrong with them too. Plus, check this data over at Confederate Yankee of what's apparently two toy plastic tricycles being used as propaganda in two different photo shoots. The main news about this trickery is can be found in Ynetnews.

Here's what the Reutered photo looks like:
And here's what it looked like before the Reutering:
The culprit behind some of this trickery is Adnan Hajj, a so-called photojournalist for Al-Reuters.

Next, there's the plastic tricycle inside a house shot up in an air raid:

Sure looks brand new, doesn't it?

Now, here's another trike in another angle:

Two tricycles with one purpose, that being anti-Israeli propaganda tools.

On the other hand, check the tragically real photo at Hot Air of jihadist demonstrators hanging up Hezbollah flags not far from Big Ben at Westminster in London, first presented on Moonbat Media.

See why they call it Londonistan?

Update: Looks like Al-Reuters has dropped the photographer Adnan Hajj from their payroll. He should never be allowed to work in journalism again.

Also available at 7 Deadly Sins, bRight and Early, Gribbit's Word, The Mudville Gazette, Pursuing Holiness, The Right Nation, Samantha Burns, Stop the ACLU, Third World County. Others on the subject include Michelle Malkin (plus, another one), IMAO, Small Dead Animals, Ed Driscoll, Freedom's Trumpet, The Jawa Report, My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Soccerdad, Mark Nicodemo, Lightshiner, Left and Right, Texas Rainmaker, Cao's Blog, The Hedgehog Blog, Protein Wisdom, Westbankblog, Gina Cobb, Amboy Times, Suitably Flip, Crossing the Rubicon2, The Dissident Frogman, Euphoric Reality, The Dread Pundit Bluto, Mark My Words, Center for Sanity, Plains Feeder, Brutally Honest.

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While I agree that lots of photos have been doctored before publishing, including that 1st trike shot, the 2nd is not the same trike. Different basket, different colors, different trike. How it got ON TOP of the rubble I don't know...just sayin'

Oops, you're right, the second one does appear to be a different trike. I'll try and make a correction soon.

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