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Thursday, December 28, 2006 

A phony hate crime intended to smear conservatives

It seems that gays and lesbians who go out of their way to wallow in victimology must consider conservatives an easy target, not to mention the bane for all their problems. From the Arbiter Online (via Stop the ACLU):
Boise Police recently said the Boise State University student leader who claimed he was attacked because of his sexual orientation confessed to detectives he fabricated the report.

Investigators said the student admitted using a stick and his fists to self-inflict his injuries and that other evidence connected to his initial report had also been fabricated.

Police spokeswoman Lynn Hightower said the student’s confession of a false report is consistent with evidence uncovered by detectives during their investigation.

“Boise Police expended many valuable resources investigating the initial report. When competed, the investigation on filing a false report will be forwarded to prosecutors for possible charges,” Hightower said. “Filing a false police report is a misdemeanor with a penalty of up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.”

The student claimed last week a white male struck him from behind with an object while using anti-gay expletives and proceeded to hit him in the face several times, causing him to lose consciousness.


The falsified attack quickly prompted student and administrative organizations around Boise State to sponsor a “No Oppression Tolerated, Not On Our Campus,” rally last Tuesday and a candlelight vigil Wednesday night in the Quad.


Shortly after his confession to police, the student sent out e-mails to members of the media asking they not give the incident any more attention, saying he “wanted it to go away.”


“It is a relief to know that this assault did not take place on the Greenbelt near campus.”
True, but it's still a real shame that this has to happen, and conservatives are smeared for supposedly being violent. Ironically, it would seem as though most homosexuals do not consider Islam to be a problem.

Because conservatives don't have the kind of hatred that liberals want to believe they do, so they have to contrive it many times. And it looks like the purpose here was to smear an active group of conservatives on the campus, another clue to how moonbats seem to be making a big fuss over nothing - a university. Who cares just who "runs" a varsity? Considering that most of these students won't even be learning there after awhile, and won't even give a damn about it in later years, why should they worry what beliefs are expressed there? I think that making a fuss over even a varsity is a waste of time.

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