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Thursday, January 04, 2007 

In defense of the French

On the Gallia Watch blog, the blogmistress translates an e-mail exchange from someone who gave as good a rebuttal as he could to a French-bashing troll. And with that, I have to confront the French-bashers out there too.

It's very disturbing that, in past years, for who knows how long, there's been quite a lot of schadenfreude directed towards the French. Not only does it not help in the battle against radical Islam, it also runs the risk of getting more people hurt.

It's not just liberals who may do it, but conservatives as well. They seem to have some very one-dimensional viewpoints of them, and worst of all, they seem to forget two things: one, the assistance France gave the United States during the American Revolutionary War in the 18th century, and two, a most important gift that France gave to America in the following century:
Many Americans no doubt have a lot of honor and affection for the Statue of Liberty. Yet, if I'm seeing here correctly, they would dare to spit in the face of the very nation that gave them that wonderful statue? The shame. How can any decent American say they're in favor of liberty and justice when they would laugh and cackle in the face of someone else's misfortunes?

There's also another important fact in history to take note of: the French people and underground may have helped save even more Jews during WW2 than England ever did. Here's another history page that notes this. Do any Americans who've shown more contempt than respect for France ever take note of that? Because bear in mind: that's something for which I respect them, and if you were ever in the kind of situation my nation was during WW2 and they'd helped save you from death, you'd have to be insane not to be grateful.

Some French-bashers seem to be under the impression that all French supported the Vichyites, the nazi-collaborating fascist movement in France. But putting aside for a moment that as far as I know, they were not exactly a dominant movement prior to the nazi invasion of France, does that also illustrate what they think of Italy? That all Italians were Mussolini supporters? Sadly, the answer is probably yes, and if Italy had similar problems to those of France, it's possible that you'd be seeing a lot of the very same schadenfreude directed towards France being directed towards Italy as well.

Then, one has to wonder if those coughing up the nasty anti-French sentiment would have said the same about Jews. I found on this thread at Hot Air a very vulgar, sexist comment:
"Next: boat people from France. Do the women really not shave their armpits?"
Now I'm sure we can all guess what kind of outrage and disgust would come if the creep who said that asked a vile question like if Jewish women didn't shave their armpits or were filthy, right? So, why's that dumbell there making an offensive crack that he presumably wouldn't dare make against Jewish women? The likely answer? Because "stereotypes are easy."

Needless to say, I don't like it, and I take serious offense that people are looking for excuses to stereotype the French, in total disregard of what favors France did for them years ago. Mainly because - is it not so that we're at war with a religion that's got no respect for democracy or human life? How will the war on Islamofascism be won if you can't offer some encouraging words for the French and urge them to fight back against the forces of evil trying to enslave their country now?

If you can't look past your futile biases towards the French or other Europeans, and can only give the cold shoulder, then, not only have you failed to take a positive and encouraging stance, you won't succeed in winning the war on terror either. Regardless of whether or not the citizens of a certain country have common sense, that does not mean you should just turn your backs upon them. Certainly not during the terrorist siege they're under.

So if there's any message I've got here for anti-French cretins, it's: cut out the crap. Because not only does it not help your cause either, or mine, it also leads only to more division and danger. You'll be doing a grave disservice if you mock the French and deny their merits.

These favorable comments do not extend to their disgusting politicians, like Jacques Chirac, Segolene Royal, Jean-Marie Le Pen, and Dominique de Villepin, who are actually favoring the Islamofascists' onslaught on their own country's civilization. This also applies to the EU leadership, such as Javier Solana, and former EU officials like Chris Patton, Miguel Moratinos and others.

Open trackbacks: Basil's Blog, Blue Star Chronicles, bRight and Early, Cao's Blog, Church and State, Don Surber, High Desert Wanderer, Is it Just Me, Jo's Cafe, Mark My Words, NIF, Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson's Website, Pirate's Cove, Point Five, Publius Rendezvous. Renaissance Blogger.

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