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Monday, October 15, 2007 

More leftists attack children

Bryan at Hot Air finds more examples of leftists who drag the children of politicians they don't like into the discussion for no apparent reason other than to say hateful and nasty things about them. On Wonkette, we find a little crowd saying vile things about Sen. Rick Santorum's children, saying things like:
Did Santorum’s kids get switched at the hospital, or did he adopt? I mean, he’s a dipstick and all, but he and his wife aren’t as homely, say, as Bob Barr and Lynne Cheney, just to name two Republican lens -busters - but those kids - Jesus, Mary, Joseph - they all look like they got smacked with the ugly stick.
For a while now, I’ve felt for the oft-overlooked older but less pouty daughter. Her Jay Leno chin is in reverse proportion of the chinless sobbing girl in the foreground, who’s hogging up all the limelight. Anybody even know the story of the silent older sister?
And, worst of all:
Jesus, look at his son. Talk about uptight. $10 says he winds up on top of some tower at a Texas university with a high powered rifle.
As well as:
FishbowlDC has learned that former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum’s (R-Penn.) pouty older daughter has signed on to be a stripper on the Fox late night Channel.
And also:
Oh shit. My avatar is going to be completely obsoleted by this little slut’s new and exciting faces.
Nobody at Wonkette ever warned or demanded that they stop or apologize for inciting against Santorum's children.

Bryan also found an entry on Reason's blog written by a terrible writer for their magazine whom I'd once found an older, just as insulting post by, who here says about Santorum's children, "Your tears are yummy and sweet." Taking pleasure in a child's crying? That's truly sick. Don't let people like that anywhere near your children.

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