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Monday, January 19, 2009 

Now just make sure you demolish it too

The eastern Jerusalem house of the vermin who murdered students at Merkaz HaRav Kook last year has been sealed up with concrete:
A large force of Israel police officers supervised workers as they filled two of the four floors of the house with cement. Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told Israel National News that Border police officers and "special patrol units" were deployed in the neighborhood. Timing of the operation was kept secret to prevent provocations.

"This is standard procedure in order to prevent any violence from taking place and interfering with the work," Rosenfeld said. He declined to give exact numbers but said that "a large police force" of at least 80 policemen was deployed in the area.

Rosenfeld added that there were no attempts by the family or by neighborhood Arabs to interfere with the proceedings.

After the terrorist attack at the yeshiva and his subsequent death, Abu Dheim's home was the scene of a major demonstration of support for the Hamas and Hizbullah terrorist organizations. A mourner's tent, decorated with flags from both terrorist organizations, was set up in front of his house, making it clear that the family supported Abu Dheim's terrorist actions.

Israeli officials did not force the family to remove the tent even though authorities in Amman blocked the extended family there from putting up a similar structure.
Isn't that ironic?

They're still going to have to take to that roach of a house with a wrecking ball though. And then, I'd suggest building a park in memory of the victims.

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