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Saturday, July 18, 2009 

Afghanistan legalizes rape and starvation

The Examiner (via Cao's Blog) reports that Afghanistan is continuing its trend of savagery:
This week, Afghan President Hamid Karzai signed legislation which among other things, allows Afghan men to starve their wives if they refuse to have sex with them. The measure was an amendment to a law which have husbands the right to force themselves on their wives, if they did not consent.

Some NATO countries have threatened to withdraw their troops from Afghanistan as a result of the measure.

Speaking to British newspaper The Independent, women's rights activist Wazhma Frough said that hard line clerics pressured the Justice Ministry to retain the most outrageous parts of the original legislation. She said: "There have been a few little changes, but they are not enough. For example, if the wife doesn't accept her husband's sexual requirements then he can deny her food."

Afghanistan's Muslim law now allows rapists to go free if they offer to marry their victims. The same practice actually exists in Mexico and is known as ‘Rapto.’
Tragically, with Obama in office, there is little to no chance that any condemnation will be made of this (then again, did Dubya ever do so when he was president?). Nor can we ever expect alleged women's rights organizations in the US to do so.

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