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Wednesday, March 23, 2011 

Bomb explodes near bus in Jerusalem; dozens injured and one dead

Bus bombings by jihadists in Israel had thankfully and largely disappeared in the past several years. Now, as this horror suggests, they may be resurfacing:
One woman died and 39 were injured after an explosion took place near a bus in central Jerusalem Wednesday afternoon.

Police said that a bomb exploded outside Egged bus number 74 at a station opposite the Jerusalem Conference Center (Binyanei Ha'uma) in the center of town.

Thirty-nine people were injured in the attack. Three were injured seriously from the explosion itself, four moderately from shrapnel packed into the explosive device and the remainder in moderate to light condition.

The 31 injured were taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem, Hadassah Mount Scopus, Bikur Holim and Shaare Tzedek hospitals. All hospitals in the area were opened to receive casualties. One woman, 59, died from injuries sustained in the blast.

Police said that this was the first terrorist attack in four years that involved an explosion. At the moment, police were looking for one specific person who left the bag that contained the bomb.

There were reports that witnesses were able to identify the man who left the bag and police were searching for him.

Police suspected that an explosive device inside a bag was left at the bus stop, which then exploded. Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch said that the explosive device was between one and two kilograms and was packed with shrapnel.

Yishai: We must take action after escalation in south and Jerusalem

Interior Minister Eli Yishai called for Israel to act after the bombing in Jerusalem and the rocket attacks in the south.

"I see the escalation is already here in a number of fronts - in the south and also in Jerusalem," Yishai said, while visiting the scene of the explosion.

He added that "recent events require us to take action. If we don't do this we will lose our power of deterrence."

Authorities said that there was no connection between the attack and events in the Gaza Strip in recent days. However, they suspected a connection between this attack and one several weeks, in which an explosive device was left on the side of a main road near Gilo.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said his main concern is that this could happen anywhere. He called the incident a "cowardly terrorist attack." Barkat added that he believes in the police's capability to catch the perpetrator. He added that in 99 percent of cases, the terrorists are found.

The mayor added that he will still participate in the Jerusalem Marathon scheduled to take place on Friday. Most importantly, he said, is to return to your normal lives so that the terrorists don't think they can win.

Large numbers of police and ambulance forces were on the scene.

Roads surrounding the scene were closed to traffic and authorities were searching the area for additional explosive devices and for a suspect. Police raised the alert level in the capital, following the explosion.

Police were beginning to reopen Highway 1 following the attack.
There is a vital point made here that jihadist activity is escalating, as the rocket attacks can signal. It's very likely that the terrorist who planted the bomb came from an eastern Jerusalem neighborhood. They're going to have to start searching those neighborhoods seriously if they want to prove that they can maintain proper control over Jerusalem and its security.

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Its time for Israel to stop apologizing.

Israel doesn't owe the world an explanation for wanting to live a normal life.

And when Israel is attacked, it will fight back - as often as it needs to!

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