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Sunday, March 20, 2011 

Helen Thomas is clearly not a fan of MLK

Playboy had the disgrace to interview Helen Thomas for one of the latest issues, and among the trash she spat out of her ugly mouth, it included this:
Thomas claimed she has nothing against Jews in her latest diatribe. “I think they're wonderful people. They had to have the most depth. They were leaders in civil rights. They've always had the heart for others but not for Arabs for some reason. I am not anti-Jewish; I am anti-Zionist.”
Sorry, Thomas, but you are anti-Jewish, and clearly do not have much respect for Martin Luther King Jr. either. As he once said at Harvard, about 2 weeks prior to his tragic death:
During an appearance at Harvard University shortly before his death, a student stood up and asked King to address himself to the issue of Zionism. The question was clearly hostile. King responded, “When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism.”
But I guess Thomas is just too old to understand any of that, nor that Zionism is the Hebrew variant on words like patriotism. She definitely is a stupid old hag.

Here's an op-ed from the Daily Iowan on the subject giving some extra food for thought.

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