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Wednesday, March 23, 2011 

Glenn Beck discusses Itamar bloodbath

A relative recommended I post this video of Beck's report on the horrifying murder. At the end, he astutely observes that "evil is growing rapidly."

As today's terrorist bombing shows, that is sadly correct.

Update: I received the following condemnation of the bombing in the email from B'nai Brith Canada:

TORONTO, March 23, 2011:

B'nai Brith Canada strongly condemns the terrorist bombing in the heart of the city of Jerusalem, Israel. As details emerge, the organization calls on the international community to echo this condemnation in the strongest of terms.

"The timing of the bombing clearly suggests that this was a thinly veiled attempt by Islamists to try to refocus the international community on Israel and away from the brutal attempts by Libya and Arab regimes to quell the struggle for democracy in the Middle East and Northern Africa," noted Frank Dimant, CEO of B'nai Brith Canada.

"While Israelis continue to face daily threats to their safety, this gruesome bombing is shocking as it comes after a lag of many years without any such attack in Jerusalem and just days after the slaughter in Itamar. Our deepest sympathies and ongoing support go out today to those families dealing most directly with the aftermath of this tragedy."
Our thanks in return should go to B'nai Brith for speaking out.

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  • From Jerusalem, Israel
  • I was born in Pennsylvania in 1974, and moved to Israel in 1983. I also enjoyed reading a lot of comics when I was young, the first being Fantastic Four. I maintain a strong belief in the public's right to knowledge and accuracy in facts. I like to think of myself as a conservative-style version of Clark Kent. I don't expect to be perfect at the job, but I do my best.
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