Canadian government funding flotilla fiends?
Just recently, Seth Mandel called Canada Israel's best friend in the world. Unfortunately, it may not include the government, if the following info from the Toronto Sun tells anything (Hat tip: Big Peace):
Are Canadian tax dollars helping pay for activists from this country to take on Israel?Oh, they got that right. Why, in fact, Harper and company have a lot more to do than just deal those type of fanatics. There's also Islamists on the homefront who are waging lawfare against anyone who dares criticize Islam, including Mark Steyn. I want to say that Israel should return the favor to any decent Canadian by making a public call for improving their local laws, for example, to help defend their own homeland. And indeed, the Canadian government should be told, just like Europe's that improvements are needed.
If not directly, it comes awfully close. Too close.
Radicals from this country are organizing to take part in a flotilla that will try to run the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza. A boat from this country is expected to be part of that flotilla in June and one of the main groups involved gets millions of your tax dollars. [...]
This time, instead of just having Canadians on the boat, a group called Alternatives International has a whole boat from Canada.
The Montreal-based Alternatives, which has received $5 million from the federal government over the last few years, is not what most people think of when they think of an aid group. They don’t feed the hungry or clothe the naked. They are political organizers.
According to their website, they “help the networking, building, and promoting of innovative initiatives in popular and social movements that are fighting for economic, social, political, cultural and environmental rights.
Now they are organizing radicals in this country to join radicals from around the world in taking on the only democracy in the Middle East. The only country in the region that gives rights to minorities, that respects the rule of law.
They are partnering with radical Islam to attack an ally.
With your tax dollars.
The Congressional Research Service in Washington has linked IHH, the Turkish charity behind the international flotilla effort, to Hamas and other terrorist groups.
This is the group our own “peace activists” are partnering with to take a run at the Gaza blockade.
I wish Alternatives were an isolated group, but they are not. Our foreign aid system has bought into the idea of capacity building to such a degree that we spend millions paying left-wing radicals from this country to train and organize left-wing radicals in other countries.
It’s time to clean up this mess and it’s up to the Harper government to do it.
Labels: anti-semitism, Canada, islam, Israel, terrorism