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Saturday, September 24, 2011 

Abbas' speech to the UN was his most hateful yet of Israel

Foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman has spoken truth to power here:
The speech made by Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas “was the worst example of anti-Israel incitement and vitriol I have ever heard,” Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said over the weekend. Abbas, who throughout the speech called Israel a “colonial occupying power,” accused Israel of targeting civilians and arbitrarily destroying crops, schools, mosques and hospitals. He demanded that the United Nations recognize Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem as an Arab state, without further negotiations with Israel.

The language that used by Abbas, who spoke in Arabic to the cheers of UN General Assembly delegates, was especially troubling, said Lieberman. “It was an appeal to the darkest forces,” Lieberman said. “He talked about how Israel was destroying Islamic holy places, how the IDF is responsible for the 'price tag' actions, the IDF sending attack dogs against Palestinians. He talked about the 'ethos' of Arafat and how terrorists are really 'political prisoners.' Apparently he forgot about the murders of the Fogel family of Itamar,” said Lieberman, who walked out when Abbas began speaking.

Speaking to Channel 10, Lieberman was asked whether there was a chance that talks could start up with the Palestinians soon. The Foreign Minister was skeptical. “Apparently they have made a strategic decision not to speak to us. Since the establishment of the current government, we have been asking the Palestinians to speak to us. We even made the difficult decision to freeze building in Judea and Samaria for ten months, but after a speech like Abbas' it's clear they probably have no intention to return to negotiations.”
I guess not. They'd probably only be making vile cracks about Israel in between discussions anyway.

Update: Caroline Glick also reminds that:
The UN is profoundly hostile to Israel. It has a large, permanent, automatic majority of members that always supports harming Israel.
And Netanyahu himself has said that the UN is "house of lies":
...Netanyahu came back with a strong, frank and blunt speech, calling the UN a “house of lies,” one that has condemned Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, more than all the other nations combined.

“This is the unfortunate part the UN institution, is the theatre of the absurd. It doesn’t only cast Israel as the villain, it often casts real villains in leading roles,” Netanyahu said.

“Hezbollah controlled Lebanon, now presides over the Security Council. This means in effect that a terror organization presides over the body entrusted with guaranteeing world security.”
Again I'm wondering why any sane country should be keeping a membership in the UN. It could save money if they didn't.

Update 2: in this article, we also learn that Abbas is rejecting an international peace blueprint.

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