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Friday, September 23, 2011 

British actors only care about America's money

Big Hollywood writes about British performers who assail American policy for all the wrong reasons, and it makes me think of what a sad shame it is that they're being favored over some American actors for major roles and such.

In the comments, someone even said the following about one of the subjects of the posting:
What's even more hilarious is that Patrick Stewart is always grubbing for more money. He was at Dragon-Con a few years ago and he was charging TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS per autograph! The average autograph is usually thirty bucks. Who's all about the money?
Why should autographs have to cost money to begin with? Or, why should anyone care about them at all? What do they prove anyway? Certainly not his if he's going to align himself with socialist, anti-American standings.

And all this time, I'm wondering why actors from non-English speaking countries don't get US-based roles as often as these British baboons do. Especially what if they have the perfect accent for the role of a character from a foreign based country and origin. Time to give actors from France, Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, Finland, Japan and other such places more of an opportunity. And if someone from an English-speaking background is needed, Australia and New Zealand would make a far better choice than Britain too.

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"British actors only care about America's money"

Total drivel!

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