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Friday, October 04, 2013 

Iranians are still chanting "death to America"

Even after their latest head honcho's so-called outreach at the UN, there's still a lot of anti-Americanism running rampant back in Iran:
TEHRAN, Iran — Iranians chanted “Death to America” and burned the U.S. flag after weekly prayers in Tehran on Friday despite their new president’s outreach to the West and promises of moderation and easing of tensions with the outside world.

The chants, customary after Friday services in the Iranian capital, reflect the challenges facing President Hassan Rouhani as he tries to build on the groundbreaking exchanges with Washington that included a telephone chat last week with President Barack Obama — a gesture aimed at ending three decades of estrangement between the two countries.
What groundbreak? The man's a taqqiya specialist, and is still building nuclears, so the AP Wire is doing nothing more than paying lip service to a tyrant. How pathetic.

Update: even the White House press secretary Jen Psaki admits that Iran still has their nuclear plans in place. And John Bolton wrote about how Hassan Rouhani is playing Obama.

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