UN hosts internet dominance forum in Turkey
This is one more reason why UN control over the internet cannot be allowed, and a good thing Congress is opposing it, including some Democrats. Just think, not only would they do whatever possible to silence critics of Islam, there's every chance they'd try and use their influence to destroy Jewish businesses, including kosher sellers online. All the same, this is still why I think the time has come for competition to ICANN, since any company that may be willing to deal with an outfit unsuited for the job cannot be trusted to safeguard freedom of speech. This is why I think it's time for webhosts to start offering their own number assignment services and all countries run their own as well, among other things, since ICANN shouldn't have a monopoly on the services.
Labels: anti-americanism, anti-semitism, communications, dhimmitude, islam, Israel, racism, turkey, UN corruption, United States, US Congress