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Friday, September 13, 2019 

Mark Levin's right about Israel's mainstream press: it sucks and is leftist

In this Fox video interview with attorney/commentator Mark Levin, he shows his amazing knowledge of what Israel's leftist media is like, and he's correct - it really does suck. Levin's interview is a must-see.

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Mark R. Levin (a lawyer and
author of the best-selling book
Unfreedom of the Press) said:

“The media’s Progressive ideology and Democratic
Party bias are in full bloom as evidenced by their
frenzied obsession with ‘getting’ President Trump...”

“...the constant media refrain is trying to convince
the American people of a demonstrably false narrative...”

Deconstructing where American media has
gone wrong
by Deborah Fineblum, 2019/6/14


Mark R. Levin
(a lawyer and best-selling author) said:

Unfreedom of the Press is about how
those who entrusted with news reporting in
the modern era are destroying freedom of
the press from within: not from government
oppression or suppression...

A self-perpetuating and reinforcing mindset
has replaced independent and impartial thinking.
And the American people know it. Thus the
credibility of the mass media has never been lower.”

SOURCE: Unfreedom of the Press
(introduction chapter, page 1) by Mark R. Levin,
published by Threshold Editions, year 2019, NYC,
ISBN 9781476773094 * ISBN 1476773092


Mark R. Levin
(a lawyer and best-selling author) said:

“Unlike the early patriot press, today’s
newsrooms and journalists are mostly hostile
to America’s founding principles, traditions,
and institutions.

They do not promote free speech and press freedom,
despite their self-serving and self-righteous claims.

Indeed, they serve as societal filters
attempting to enforce uniformity of thought
and social and political activism centered
on the Progressive ideology and agenda.

Issues, events, groups, and individuals that
do not fit the narrative are dismissed or
diminished; those that fit the narrative
are elevated and celebrated.”

SOURCE: Unfreedom of the Press
(introduction chapter, page 2)
by Mark R. Levin, published by
Threshold Editions, year 2019, NYC,
ISBN 9781476773094 * ISBN 1476773092


Mark R. Levin
(a lawyer and best-selling author) said:

“Indeed, during the last several decades
alone, poll after poll and survey after
survey have demonstrated the media are
more liberal than the public at large.”

SOURCE: Unfreedom of the Press
(chapter 1, page 20) by Mark R. Levin,
published by Threshold Editions, year 2019, NYC,
ISBN 9781476773094 * ISBN 1476773092

Mark R. Levin
(a lawyer and best-selling author) said:

“When a journalist breaks from the rest
of the media pack, which is quite rare,
their careers are typically threatened
or ruined by the rest of the press.”

SOURCE: Unfreedom of the Press
(chapter 1, page 11) by Mark R. Levin,
published by Threshold Editions, year 2019,
NYC, ISBN 9781476773094 * ISBN 1476773092


George Mason Professor Tim Groseclose,
formerly of the University of California,
Los Angeles
, developed an “objective,
social-scientific method” in which he
calculates how the Progressive political
views of journalists and media outlets
distort the natural views of Americans.

It “prevents us from seeing the world
asit actually is. Instead, we see
only a distorted version of it.

It is as if we see the world through a
looking glass – a glass that magnifies
the facts that Liberals want us to see,
and shrinks the facts the facts that
Conservatives want us to see.

The metaphoric glass affects not
just what we see, but how we think.

That is, media bias really does make us more Liberal.

Perhaps worst of all, media bias feeds on itself.

That is, the bias makes us more Liberal,
which makes us less able to detect
the bias, which allows the media to
get away with more bias, which makes
us even more Liberal, and so on.”

[Professor Tim] Groseclose continues:
“U.S. newsrooms are extremely one-sided.”

SOURCE: Left Turn: How Liberal
Media Bias Distorts the American Mind

(page vii) by Tim Groseclose, year 2011,
St. Martin’s Griffin, New York

SOURCE: Unfreedom of the Press
(chapter 1, page 18) by Mark R. Levin,
published by Threshold Editions, year 2019,
NYC, ISBN 9781476773094 * ISBN 1476773092


Mark R. Levin
(a lawyer and best-selling author) said:

A November 2018 survey of 462 financial
journalists by professors at Arizona State
University and Texas A&M University,
of which more than 70% of those surveyed
were affiliated with: the Wall Street
Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg News,
Associated Press, Forbes, The New York Times,
Reuters, or the Washington Post,
revealed that even most financial
journalists are political Progressives.

When asked:
“Generally speaking, how would you describe
your political views?” the journalists responded:
very Liberal 17.63%;
somewhat Liberal 40.84%;
moderate 37.12%;
somewhat Conservative 3.94%;
and, very Conservative 0.046%.

Thus, nearly 60% of financial journalists
surveyed were Liberal, and less
than 5% were Conservative.

SOURCE: Unfreedom of the Press
(chapter 1, page 20) by Mark R. Levin,
published by Threshold Editions, year 2019,
NYC, ISBN 9781476773094 * ISBN 1476773092

Thomas Edsall [an American journalist
and Liberal / Progressive Professor at
the Columbia University School of
Journalism in New York City] said:

“Since the civil rights and women’s movements,
the culture wars and Watergate [year 1972],
the press corps at such institutions as:
the Washington Post, ABC-NBC-CBS News,
the NYT, the Wall Street Journal, Time,
Newsweek, the Los Angeles Times, the
Boston Globe, etc. is composed in large
part of ‘new’ or ‘creative’ class members
of the Liberal elite --- well-educated
men and women who tend to favor:
abortion rights, women’s rights,
civil rights, and gay rights.

In the main, they find such [politically
Conservative] figures as: Bill O’Reilly,
Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Pat Robertson,
or Jerry Falwell beneath contempt.”

Unfreedom of the Press
(chapter 1, page 38) by Mark R. Levin,
published by Threshold Editions, year 2019,
NYC, ISBN 9781476773094 * ISBN 1476773092


Mark R. Levin
(a lawyer and best-selling author) said:

“The evidence indicates that when it
comes to matters of politics and culture,
among things, journalism has become an
overwhelmingly Progressive enterprise,
and the disingenuousness with which
it is mostly denied, defended, or
even celebrated, often leads to a
pack mentality, groupthink, repetitions,
and even propaganda presented as news.”

SOURCE: Unfreedom of the Press
(chapter 1, page 42) by Mark R. Levin,
published by Threshold Editions, year 2019,
NYC, ISBN 9781476773094 * ISBN 1476773092


Mark R. Levin
(a lawyer and best-selling author) said:

Given the Progressive ideology and
Democratic Party attachment of the
modern media and journalists, their
commitment to “community” journalism
and social activism, and with the
integration of opinion and news making
objective truth increasingly difficult
to discern, is the public actually
receiving predominantly news or
propaganda or pseudo-information?

SOURCE: Unfreedom of the Press
(chapter 5, page 117) by Mark R. Levin,
published by Threshold Editions, year 2019,
NYC, ISBN 9781476773094 * ISBN 1476773092


On June 1, 2006, former New York
City mayor Ed Koch
wrote an opinion
piece in the [New York] Times
titled “The New York Times’ Anti-Israel
,” asserting that “the British
Broadcasting Corporation [BBC] and the
New York Times consistently
carry news stories and editorials that
are slanted against Israel
sympathetic to the Palestinian Authority
and Hamas.”

SOURCE: Unfreedom of the Press
(chapter 6, page 157) by Mark R. Levin,
published by Threshold Editions, year 2019, NYC,
ISBN 9781476773094 * ISBN 1476773092

Matti Friedman, a former Associated Press
correspondent who covered Israel for a time,
explained the modus operandi
of most of his former journalist
colleagues when reporting about Israel.

On November 30, 2014, he wrote an article
in the Atlantic titled:
What the Media Gets Wrong about Israel –
The news tells us less about Israel
than about the people writing the news,
a former AP reporter says.”

[Matti] Friedman wrote:

“Journalistic decisions are made by people
who exist in a particular social milieu,
one which, like most social groups,
involves a certain uniformity of attitude,
behavior, and even dress (the fashion
these days, for those interested,
is less vests with unnecessary pockets
than shirts with unnecessary buttons).

These people know each other, meet regularly,
exchange information, and closely watch
one another’s work. This helps explain
why a reader looking at articles written
by the half-dozen biggest news providers
in the region on a particular day will
find that though the pieces are composed
and edited by completely different
people and organizations,
they tend to tell the same story”

Sound familiar?
So does this: [Matti Friedman wrote:]

“In these circles, in my experience,
a distaste for Israel has come to be
something between an acceptable
prejudice and a prerequisite for entry.
I don’t mean a critical approach
to Israeli policies or to the ham-fisted
government currently in charge in this
country, but a belief that to some
extent the Jews of Israel are a symbol
of the world’s ills, particularly
those connected to nationalism,
militarism, colonialism, and racism —
an idea quickly becoming one of the
central elements of the “progressive”
Western zeitgeist, spreading from
the European left to American
college campuses and intellectuals,
including journalists.

In this social group, this sentiment
is translated into editorial decisions
made by individual reporters and editors
covering Israel, and this, in turn,
gives such thinking the means of
mass self-replication.”

What the Media Gets Wrong about Israel
by Matti Friedman, 2014/11/30

Unfreedom of the Press
(chapter 6, pages 158-159) by Mark R. Levin,
published by Threshold Editions, year 2019, NYC,
ISBN 9781476773094 * ISBN 1476773092

Matti Friedman
[former Associated Press reporter] wrote:

“Hamas’s strategy is to provoke a response from Israel by attacking from behind the cover of Palestinian civilians, thus drawing Israeli strikes that kill those civilians, and then to have the casualties filmed by one of the world’s largest press contingents, with the understanding that the resulting outrage abroad will blunt Israel’s response.

This is a ruthless strategy, and an effective one. It is predicated on the cooperation of journalists. One of the reasons it works is because of the reflex I mentioned. If you report that Hamas has a strategy based on co-opting the media, this raises several difficult questions, like: What exactly is the relationship between the media and Hamas? And has this relationship corrupted the media?”

What the Media Gets Wrong about Israel
by Matti Friedman, 2014/11/30

Unfreedom of the Press (chapter 6, pages 159-160)
by Mark R. Levin, published by Threshold Editions, year 2019,
NYC, ISBN 9781476773094 * ISBN 1476773092


Mark R. Levin
(a lawyer and best-selling author) said:

“…Hamas [the Islamic terrorist organization that rules Gaza] also created kite bombs, painted with swastikas, that it [they] launched in Israel’s direction, when the winds were favorable.”

“Some 60 Gazans, the overwhelming majority of whom were known Hamas terrorists, lost their lives because Hamas turned them into a collective suicide bomb.”

SOURCE: Unfreedom of the Press
(chapter 6, page 160) by Mark R. Levin, published
by Threshold Editions, year 2019, NYC,
ISBN 9781476773094 * ISBN 1476773092

Mark R. Levin
(a lawyer and best-selling author) said:

The examples of the [New York] Times and mass media’s hostility toward the Jewish State is not even a matter of indifference, as it was during the plight of European Jews in the 1930s and 1940s, which was horrifying.

Instead, there is frequently open and affirmative hostility toward the Jewish State, despite the fact that the small country, a democracy and an ally, faces daily threats of extermination from terrorists groups and surrounding terrorist states, including, if not especially, nuclear-weapons-obsessed Iran.

After examining more than a year’s worth of recent coverage by the [New York] Times, Gilead Ini of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America [CAMERA] concluded that the [New York] Times:

consistently flouts the rules of ethical
journalism. And it does so as part of
a campaign to protect anti-Israel activists
and steer public opinion against the Jewish State

SOURCE: The ‘Times’ and Israel:
A Review of 2018
by Gilead Ini, February 2019

SOURCE: Unfreedom of the Press
(chapter 6, page 163) by Mark R. Levin,
published by Threshold Editions, year 2019,
NYC, ISBN 9781476773094 * ISBN 1476773092


Mark R. Levin
(a lawyer and best-selling author) said:

“How is it possible that such colossal media failures of integrity, morality, and professional canons in the face of the mass extermination of Jews and Ukrainians do not permanently cripple the reputation and standing of the New York Times and the other press organizations, or at least force serious circumspection within, and reformation of the media industry?

And what of the weak excuses and feeble explanations offered decades later, as if they are atonement enough for the abhorrent consequences of the media’s role in the cover-up of the genocidal murder of millions?”

SOURCE: Unfreedom of the Press
(chapter 6, page 172) by Mark R. Levin,
published by Threshold Editions, year 2019, NYC,
ISBN 9781476773094 * ISBN 1476773092

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About me

  • I'm Avi Green
  • From Jerusalem, Israel
  • I was born in Pennsylvania in 1974, and moved to Israel in 1983. I also enjoyed reading a lot of comics when I was young, the first being Fantastic Four. I maintain a strong belief in the public's right to knowledge and accuracy in facts. I like to think of myself as a conservative-style version of Clark Kent. I don't expect to be perfect at the job, but I do my best.
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